While making an adjustment to correct the sun burn on the webcam camera. We have made the night picture very dark......The harm that the sun may have done is better than trashing the camera!!
Just remeber " I'm just the guy on the pole" !!!!
Blame it on the great BigD!!! he's the one that said...just a bit more!!
just kidding, we will need to correct this next time up the pole!!!
The bright days (extreme amout of light, exposure) where causing the melting at the top of the pictures. This is very hard on the CCD chip in the camera. (we burnt one up last year) So we needed to adjust the iris that allows light to stop this. With the direction the camera points and the fact that everything is white makes it pretty hard to find a setting that will work for all light conditions. Keeping the Camera operational is most important, so better safe than sorry for now. Thanks to Bobber for making these adjustment. it will happen frequently with the sun settings this time of year. The goal is to keep the exposure number between 100 and 500, during bright daylight hours.