"It's our inherent right to hunt, fish and gather -- to survive off the land," said Boone Wadena, a member of the White Earth Band. "That's the way I was raised and that's what I'm passing down to my kids and my grandkids."
He must be really old for an 1855 treaty to be affecting him this much....??? Technically, my ancestors also lived off the land, without regulation... where are my rights ??? What a joke.....
White Earth band member Boone Wadena says for years he's quietly exercised what he believes are his rights to hunt, fish and gather on off reservation lands in northern Minnesota.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..... Looks like the tribal netting and spearing goes againts ALL that the United State of America stands for. I don't think special treatment for some classes of people would please our founding fathers.
Its a treaty signed in the early 1800's maybe the "white man" was bad. maybe the indians scalped people. GET OVER IT!!!! It was almost 200 years ago. You don't see Jews walking around bickering about the Germans and the nazis do you? No! because they aren't this childish. grow up! The past is the past, we all learn from our mistakes, but taking your frustrations of what happened to your great great great grandparents out on our natural resources is stupid and pointless. Lets just magically pretend that this is your land, is this really how you would treat it? Jeez, no wonder we had to create the DNR, it was the only way to keep selfish people that are unable to think of the future from destroying it.
Also just a side note, if they stopped netting and spearing mille lacs then it would have more fish, therefore more people would come to what is now nicknamed "the dead sea", well wouldn't more fishermen equal more income at the casino.... I don't go to the casino because of the netting, but if they stopped I would spend a small fortune there in hotel rooms and meals. Seriously, think of the money that goes to canada.... there would be no point in going all the way up there if the 130,000 lbs of netted walleyes where still in the lake.
said Boone Wadena, a member of the White Earth Band. "That's the way I was raised and that's what I'm passing down to my kids and my grandkids."
Are you kidding me this person actually said that with a straight face, what a joke passing down raping the land to your kids and grandkids, now there is something to brag about.
This link will show Wadena what his reallly tradition's all about: http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/northamerica/after1500/history/sioux.htm This is land that they killed peaceful indian people to get, so they could escape the white settlers that they couldn't get along with. So, Mr. Wadena, you still ain't getting along with the white settlers, but your ancestors hunted and fished in Canada and Michigan, so go back there, if you want to be traditional and leave our fish alone....... PLEASE PROTEST!