First I would like to say thanks to everyone that submitted pictures for the 2011 calendar! A special Thanks goes out to Toni Baumgartner for helping with the pictures!
Calendars look like they will be ready for purchase by NOVEMBER 22. The snafu with getting the pictures into HI RES form pushed the date back, was hoping to have them ready by deer hunter opener. But such as life.
Calendars will be $15 for one or 2 for $20. we are trying to set a paypal site as we speak to make ordering online easy! They will also be available at the resort.
Calendars include
-sun/moon rise and set times -monthly tips from Tony Roach -convienent date reminders -food and drink specials -event dates -meat raffle and bingo times -numbers for guide services, snowmobile trails, TIP and other important numbers
Thanks again to everyone that helped put this together!
Be sure to save your 2011 pictures to submit throughout the year!
Suggestions and ideas to add for the 2012 year can be made on this post throughout the year.