Howdy: I am a long time DISH subscriber and user: You have get your receiver into the menu/system set up mode: 1. Press menu button; 2. Select System Setup; 3. Select Point Dish; 4. Follow prompts for dish alignement and pointign the dish to south/west coordinates. 5. You may also have to go through normal satelittle acquisition and tarnsponder checks... those are all normal and take 4-6 minutes.
Else Call Engbergs TV in Aitkin: tehyare at: (218) 927-2988 They are the DISH provider / dealer in Mille LAcs area.
Thanks, I tried that other than calling. I was only able to find 61.5 and 72. I can't tune in 110 or 119. I will mess around more here but will have to call tomorrow.
That is too bad... Yep, you need 110 and 119 or no fun.
Perhaps there are sime techniques that Enberg's can tell you tomorrow right away. We have excellent SIH recption on Malmo Bay lake lake shore homes. But on the ice may be unique as far as alignment. Good luck, Malmo Mike
We got the 110 satellite so we get a bunch of chanels. Thanks to my friendly neighbor I got it dialed in. My dish only locks in on one satellite, I wonder if 119 would be better? We do have the locals and ESPN and the Big 10 but don't get FSN which has the Gopher games.
For the short term, I would say satellite 110 is best of your choices -- with ESPN for Bowl games and local channels .
On satellite 119 you do have FOXN, etc -- for Gopher hockey of course -- but the Goophers only have one game to be telvised right now for the Mariucci Classic Tournament on Jan 1st (NYDay) 7PM faceoff.
Watch a bowl game and catch those great walleyes and some nice perch too. I wish I could get off to be is a work week for me. have fun, Malmo Mike