Looks like the lake is up quite a bit.. not much shore sand in front of Hunters !!!
Bob and I where talking about this when we where moving the Cam. There are only 4 of the concrete rungs out of water on the boat ramp. I remember there being 7-8 dry last summer. We figure its up a foot from that time.
At our Malmo lakeshore area, we concur that the lake level appears to be about one vertical foot up from last fall according to my shore markers. That is tremendous news for us in Malmo as it greatly facilitates docking and launching on the lake. Overall I feel it is very good news for our wonderful lake.
The Malmo Bay public access ramp and Malmo Bay shoreline looked pretty good. We are thinking the ice is out 200-300 yards form our shore near Castaways. Malmo Mom give daily reports so the new boat stays happy.