We are bringing the ball and chains along next week for 5 days up to the lake to finish the last couple items on the fish houses and a mini vacation....we are looking for some items to keep them entertained while there! Bar bingo, meat raffles, ect.....anyone got any info on that type of stuff? Any help would be appriciated!
Mugs in Whakon has a pretty good meat raffle every Fri at 6:00.Might be a little slow because of time of year but will give you a better chance to win.My gal loves a store in Isle called Sacks on Mille Lacs, it is a purse store.Otherwise whenever we have gals up to the cabin they always like the crafty stores in Isle.With kids we have also gone geocashing.Well the gal has gone with nieces and nephews, I’m usually on the water. Good luck.
3. Tuesday: In Aitkin, Bingo at American Legion Hall 7-9Pm??
4. Weekdays and Saturday -- Great Deli and coffee at:
Snacks on Mille Lacs in Isle Main Street.
5. Thursday: Bingo at Garrison Y - VFW I beleive 6PM??
Thursday: Bingo at Hunter's Point lodge. 7:00PM?
6. Best Walleye Fingers: Hunter's Point 'Formica Flats'.
7. Lunch - at Wahkon 'Walleye Dundees - 12 - 2PM.
8. Best Breakfast: Sunrise Cafe Malmo Hwy 47.
Sunrise Cafe
22167 State Highway 47
Those are some fun things to try out - the meat raffle at Castaways is a good one; Sunroise Cafe is very good and always busy; Snacks at Mille Lacs is excellent if you are in Isle - great people.