So i have had my auger for around 5 years, and it has always run like a champ. It is a 2HP Strikemaster MAG 2000. This year it backfires, which has burnt a hole in the intake filter and won't stay running under power (idles great). I also noticed that the plastic connector that connects the fuel line to the carb has a crack in it. Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem. Plus before anyone starts in on me for not having it ready sooner my wife has already slapped my hand.
I had a similar problem a few years back. I think it was from running oxygenated fuel (Ethanol) and not draining it during storage, Ops!. I cleaned the carb and the problem went away for a year, I ended up just replacing the carb. The fuel line crack may cause the motor to suck air when you raise the RPM that could cause the same symptoms. Seal the crack first using a plastic epoxy product, see if it improves, if not clean the carb and use non-oxygenated fuel.