just wondering your guys thoughts on a resort making you leave your drivers license with them so you bring your wheeled house off the lake at end of weekend thats what is happin to me this weekend
How can they make you take your wheelhouse off? Once your on the water, it's all public. As long as you don't just drop it in the middle of their road - I don't see how they can say anything about it...?
How can they make you take your wheelhouse off? Once your on the water, it's all public. As long as you don't just drop it in the middle of their road - I don't see how they can say anything about it...?
My " thoughts" on this?
Obviously, no one is saying "you have to take your wheel house off each day". But here's the deal--you pay for one day's access and stay --say for three days? In the meantime, you can come and go as you please after unhooking? And many do just that. So you are on the lake for three days and using the access, potentially, for three days, even if you don't go and come during the three days--because All the while you are out there, during the three days, the bridge is maintained and most likely moved to a crossable place as things change--while you are out there. The roads are plowed/routed over safe ice and monitored 24/7--EACH DAY YOU ARE OUT THERE.
In other words, while you are on the ice, only using the access supposedly one time on and off, the work goes on ALL three days so you can return off the ice safely and when you want to.
But the likes of Eddy and most other resorts that spend many thousands of dollars each winter keeping the ice access operable EVERYDAY/24/7, get upset when many( not all) abuse the service they provide and pay for one day while in effect, using the access for all three days. Believe me, no one is making money on road passes when all is said and done. ( one good bridge can cost over 10K to build and cost 2k-5k a year to fix up/change to the better) Might cost a grand a week or more to keep the roads open each week(minimum) with labor, cost of the equipment, fuel and daily and annual maintenance on the equipment. Add $1000's a year of insurance costs. $1000's a year of property taxes on the lake access/land you cross. ( how many $10 bills do ya think it takes to break even each day/year?)
Is it right to ask for the drivers license? Maybe that's extreme but one could assume the trust, simply, has been lost as the alternative didn't work in the past.
Moral of the story? Be honest and OFFER to pay the full amount upfront for the whole time you plan on being on the ice!! And don't get caught cheating a hard working guy like Eddy and the rest of the resort operators. They all truly appreciate the business and opportunity everyone allows them to even be in business. But in the end, like everyone else, they are just trying to pay the bills (barely) and make a living (barely)--doing it honestly.
It always amazes me that one can spend $1000's on a house, $1000's on the tow vehicle, $1000's on equipment, and $100's each trip on fuel/bait/food/beer etc., and even consider the $10 per day access fee to be an issue. Amazing.....
-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Monday 21st of January 2013 07:33:21 PM
-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Monday 21st of January 2013 07:37:24 PM
-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Monday 21st of January 2013 07:52:18 PM
im not afraid of saying it. was it e. lyback ? if its him he thinks he owns the south south east corner. he calls it his "turf". i went out my own acces and he wanted me to pay him 40$ a week because i left my wheelhouse in no mans land 300yrds. of his road, never used his road. lots of rules down that way, not very wheelhouse freindly.
I think Eddy works out fine - You pay the full amount for the week, for the wheel house I think it is 40 bucks - If you leave early check in and they pay you back the diffrence - not to bad if you ask me - Would get old if you were close enough to use a diffrent private accsess and have people jump down your neck for money
Drivers licsense i think is a bit extream - I would be going up the road to another resort - there are many out there, and if you get to far fetched people will use them
I agree with Bob - Deposit OK, Or like Eddy does it/used to do it, that is fine with me as well
How can they make you take your wheelhouse off? Once your on the water, it's all public. As long as you don't just drop it in the middle of their road - I don't see where they can say anythin
Maybe I misunderstood the situation? When I take my wheelhouse for an overnight trip I pay the one day access fee, go out on the road, fish, and leave the next day. No one is going to tell me I have to take the house with me when I leave. When I come back - I will pay the fee to hit the road again. I thought the gentleman who stated this post meant the resort required him to come off with his house. I apologize if I misread what was going on.
How can they make you take your wheelhouse off? Once your on the water, it's all public. As long as you don't just drop it in the middle of their road - I don't see where they can say anythin
Maybe I misunderstood the situation? When I take my wheelhouse for an overnight trip I pay the one day access fee, go out on the road, fish, and leave the next day. No one is going to tell me I have to take the house with me when I leave. When I come back - I will pay the fee to hit the road again. I thought the gentleman who stated this post meant the resort required him to come off with his house. I apologize if I misread what was going on.
If you access the lake one day and leave the next (house in tow or not), that is TWO days access fee. Fair enough? If not, that is the issue the likes of Lyback's and many other resorts have with this wheel house access thing. One on and off is NOT one access fee if done on two different days. Right?
I think all the issues have come up since the popularity and convenience of the wheel house (yes I have one too). When I was a kid we always had a big house at White Cap Inn or Fishermans Wharf. Things were not as portable as they are now, and the resorts are loosing money on rentals, seasonals, etc.
I dont fish Mille Lacs in the winter like I used to but I can imagine how hard it is to maintain roads with an army of trucks and wheel houses constantly busting up the ice. One night it looked like 169 from shore to the mud last year.
Times have changed and the resorts need to fund those changes to keep the people safe on the ice and be able to stay in business........ They deserve the access fees for the maintenance and for the constant safety updates on the conditions....snow cover or not......
If you pay $10 to access a lake through a resort and the roads they maintain and then park your wheelhouse on what you call a "public lake" and let it sit there for 3 days, a week or whatever, then you best leave through the "public" access too.
Technically, could the resort put some snowpiles or at least some berms on the lake on a tuesday afternoon, by your wheelhouse on a "public lake" without any issues ??? I would never leave my drivers license as a deposit... maybe a credit card, but not a DL.
Steve hit the nail on the head. The lake is public but business made safe access possible. It's only fair that people pay for the service they are provided.
Do wheel houses owners pay more per day than a truck or car not pulling a house? Not where I am at...
I agree, the license thing is extreme. So what is the alternative that would insure payment per the rules of the access which is a per day charge? I am betting the resorter doesn't like to have to do this but what should the better choice be? Not getting paid by many I guess?
-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Wednesday 23rd of January 2013 06:58:24 PM
How can they make you take your wheelhouse off? Once your on the water, it's all public. As long as you don't just drop it in the middle of their road - I don't see where they can say anythin
Maybe I misunderstood the situation? When I take my wheelhouse for an overnight trip I pay the one day access fee, go out on the road, fish, and leave the next day. No one is going to tell me I have to take the house with me when I leave. When I come back - I will pay the fee to hit the road again. I thought the gentleman who stated this post meant the resort required him to come off with his house. I apologize if I misundersto
So what your saying is I should pay for a pass each way? One for the drive out, and one for the drive in?
You should pay for each day it's out there. If its out there for the season, most resorts have a seasonal rate especially for wheel houses. If you don't think you should have to pay don't use their access, roads and bridges. The fact is that their service provides you the access. Without it, you woukd be in the water or not out there at all.
The access fee is PER DAY not per trip up or down the ramp. If you come one day and leave the next, it is TWO daily access passes. I believe that is what most resorts require--and deserve.
The acess fee i totally get the money to get out on there roads i have no promblem and gladly pay
The point of the post is the driver licence deal I think thats wrong.
We wheel house guys pay extra because of the house and thats ok also.
If you question them they say go else where and its tough to get to the reef from hunters so i will go along with the rules he wants but i think its B.S.
As a new member I'm sure this won't be very popular but I fell the need to express my thoughts. I understand all the efforts and costs in running a business. I applaud those resort owners that do a great job in keeping fisherman safe, happy and the lake accessable to those that venture out. The problem I have is that we all own that lake, no one anymore than the next.Resort owners own up to the lake.I own a business in which I had to buy land and lease some to conduct my business. I would love to have saved that huge expense by running the business on public property. I think the fact that business is run and families are fed using property that is mine as well as their's should temper their attitudes. To harass somone on the lake for any reason other than destroying personal property is wrong. People will come and people will go. Some will use roads you plow some will use others. If a resort owner decides not to help some that's not paid them I'm perfectly fine with that. A fee to get on a fee to get off. Do not demand money from me for sitting on public property. If you have to raise access fees so be it. If you want a donation to the fuel fund I'll kick in. But be friendly to me on the lake or leave me alone. Agree or disagree thanks for listening. Fisherman and resort people be safe!
crossbow, that is how it should be. This raise access fees, donation to the fuel fund you talkabout... THAT is what the $10 fee/day is !! Like said earlier, if you have a wheelhouse and want to put it out for the season, pay the "season" pass. If you want to put it out 10 days, simply that is $100... 15 days, $150 ... and so on. If you are coming up every weekend, pulling the house on and off, at some point it may make sense to get a "season" pass and the resort will even plow the road right to your shack, with parking too !! That is how it is suppose to work. This comes up every year and every year there are people who use the roads, use the access and don't pay their fair share of $10 a day. Pretty simple concept that some cannot grasp. The fact that your house is out there, whether on or off the road, but is kept accessible to you at any time, because of the road... that is what you pay for. Again, how would you like a 4 foot high pile encompassing your wheelhouse when you came up... perfectly legal on a "public" lake. Then watch everybody call the person that did it a prick, rather than call the guy who wouldn't pay his share something else....
First off, I have to agree with Steve and the rest who think the same. The resorts are paying their drivers to check the ice on a daily basis, move bridges, move roads, maintain old roads, etc.. Alot of the people the last couple of years have been lulled into a sense of ease dur to the fact that the snow drifts have been non-existant. You would happily pay $10 a day for a road to drive out to your house if their was 3 feet of snow on the ice. Resorts like Macs Twin Bay give you a few options, 1. Pay by the daily road pass, 2. pay $200.00 for a season road pass for your trailer house but no plowed driveway, 3. pay $250.00 for a season pass and they maintain a driveway to your house. If you have ever seen the driveways at Macs, you would pay the extra $50.00. This is my 3rd resort with a big house, and our friends 5th resort with theirs. No where have we seen the service like what macs does, not saying that all the others do not provide the same service, just not the ones we have been to. $10.00 a day for a plowed maintained road, its $17.00 for a case of beer, and $8,000.00 for a basic 14 ft ice castle, I guess their really are some cheap azzed people out their. If the resorts dont make money, their will not be a resort to maintain the roads, and the 7 cars in minnetonka in the last week will be an avg on how many wheel houses will drop thru a pressure ridge 4 miles out on the pond. Pay the $10.00 and shut up.
Without resorts opening up and maintaining roads wheel houses would not make it on Mille lacs. I understand the points made with regards to public property but in the end this is just taking advantage of a good thing. Over time the few that want to push it will ruin it or the cost of accessing the lake will go up. How many guys want to take there wheel house out of a public access leave it some where on the lake for an extended period of time and try to get it off with no roads anywhere in sight. I bet it never happens.....
Pay the 10$, or 15$ or whatever, normally in that range - everybody that uses it has to pay it, and like Steve said, I have never been charged more for the wheelhouse - if things get narly out there they will help you out with plowing or whatever need be (we all know after last weekend how that can happen quickly)
If you do not want to pay the fee, use a public access, then stay off the resort roads, and figure out when and where you can drive on your own, to me that does not sound like fun
That prick that plowed your shack in on the road that he maintains all season long, that you did not pay the access for, is not a prick at all, he is trying to make a living, honestly, and people "sneaking" in on the roads are not being honest at all
This public land dispute has been around for years, all of us know this
They way I look at it, you are not paying to go on public water, you are paying for the ease of going onto the public water
If you think of it as puplic land then use the public acsess and stay of the groomed roads the resorts make possible otherwise buckle up and pay the fee, it makes things easier on you anyway, then you will allways have a place to get on and off the lake