I'm looking for someone with knowledge of setting nets for WHITEFISH AND CISCOES SPORT GILL NETTING on Schedule II. open date B lakes
Sorry Greg. I just don't see anything sporting about gill nets.
I guess I didn't ask your opinion
I have a feeling, you will get the same "opinion" from most of everybody on this sight about the "sport" of gill netting
Maybe other sights will have the info you are looking for, most likely not this one
Yeah, Greg, this is pretty much an ANGLER website. We're pretty touchy about the subject of gill nets, as they have all but ruined Mille Lacs.
I'm sure you have seen this website/regulations and have seen that "sport" gill netting for tullibe isn't allowed on Mille Lacs.http://files.dnr.state.mn.us/rlp/regulations/fishing/whitefish-tullibee.pdf