I have found, where I was going, they have changed up a bit. I was having great slot luck since right after the opener...now I am catching more smaller eyes (10-13") and overs, the 20"+ fish.. Still catching good numbers of walleyes, just a different mix as far as size. If you haven't been out yet.. I would suggest you hurry.... if you have not taken advantage of the great catching so far this year !!! This will not last forever....!!!
The walleyes are going into transition mode now. That means that they are on the move. It's kinda spooky, cuz one minute they're there, the next they're nowhere to be found. But when you're on 'em, they're biting. And these are as healthy as any year I can think of. Yesterday, in the sand, we got a limit in one drift and they were all tournament sized fish!
On the move is right! On a south end rock pile last sat. I got 10 fish and 4 of them keepers in about 1 1/2 hours, just me in the boat. Sun. my gal came with, and she NEVER does, but she wanted to catch some fish. They were nowhere to be found.
Good Update and report Jon ...I still owe you COLD ONES dude when you are not driving the launch. I hope to cme back soon. I had good luck on slot size fish...but I do know my way around Malmo Bay and the Eastside. It is almost beer-thrity somewhere? Have fun
One of my launch trips this weekend was a group of folks in wheelchairs that get out fishing a couple of times every year with us. Last year we had to cancel the trip due to high winds and 4 foot rollers, so we were really happy to see the wind go down on Saturday. We had a picture perfect day by 4:00 with a good walleye chop, so it was just a matter of putting the launch on fish. I found the "pack" off of 3-mile in 31 FOW on a rockpile the size of the 52-foot launch. They started catching big fish right away and the fun was on. By 11:30, when I pulled anchor, we had 65 fish boated with 23 keepers and 21 over 20" and big smiles on all the severely handicapped fishermen. They told me it was the best fishing trip the club had since they started doing them 15 years ago. Pretty inspiring to see the fishing spirit that can't be crushed by their physical challenges!
Always great to be involved with groups like that. I volunteer to officiate Special Olympics Basketball tourney and its usually enough to bring a good laugh or two and always tears welling in the eyes!!!
Good stuff sharing the heart warming experience!!!