I got rid of my antena and went with sat. I've never had a problem after getting it set up. I would pick up different channels depending on the time of day with the antena.
Yes you can. After the digital switchover you get a lot less channels. Last winter I still got 2 analog channels. The only digital I could pick up was 22 from brainerd.
I have a "60 mile" antenna on my shack and was able to pickup 5-6 digital stations last year, HOWEVER, all but channel 22 would drop out at dusk. The issue with flat screen TVs is you have to do a SEARCH after changing the orientation of the antenna. My set shows signal strength on the digital channels. The channels from the cities that I did get in would vary in strength causing voice and picture drop outs. I spent more time screwing around with the antenna than watching the show. I finally gave up and orientated the antenna to channel 22. I also picked up 3-4 analog Stations GREAT!!! (maybe not) most were PBS.
MY antenna is about 12-13 feet. Did I mention, my antenna is kind of beat up. Tiewraps hold a few of the longer elements on, but the digital signals are usually in the higher band = shorter elements.