This post is to remind EVERYONE to please take your garbage with you when you leave the lake. Most all resorts have a dumpster or place for it on shore.......Friday I pickup a bag full of garbage, fish guts, whatever else along with a gartoraid bottle and acouple of beer cans on the flats road.
This lake is "Our's" and WE all need to treat as that!
Its is sickening that people can haul it out on the ice.... and not back off... a beer can, bag a chips, and water bottle take up less space empty that they do full..
Thanks Bobber, and Right On. As a lake shore owner, it is very discouraging to see the trash left on the ice and that also comes ashore after the spring ice out. Please everyone, pack your trash out with you. It only takes a few minutes at most to do it right. We have to protect the lake and the water quality for Willie Walleye. Thanks for everyone's participation! Malmo Mike
Yep, you'd be amazed at the stuff we find out there when we're picking block at the end of the season after all the fun is done........and the snow is gone.
I know personally, that I appreciate everybody that takes care of their own.
On nice days I like to take a walk mid afternoon. I have learned to take a trash bag with me and It's almost never is empty when I get back to my shack.
Kicking snow over your emptys doesn't qualify as getting rid of you garbage! Grow up
I think there should be a $1.00 deposit on the small propane bottles. If the people don't care and still toss them on the lake at least the people who clean them up in the spring could cash in.....
What a great idea. I love it. And with the new propane augers you know that some idiot will b tossing them after they get half way thru on there holes. I try to follow a simple rule.... look for one thing on the ice as you leave that is litter..... stop and pick it up. The worst thing to see, is litter on the ice as I enjoy the outdoors..... What a mood spoiler to see someone take the time and bag there garbage up to only leave it. The majority is beverage cans/ bottles then PROPANE!
Everything that's left out there is either gonna end up on the shore or the bottom, come springtime. Let's hope it's not a messy cleanup this year. I think that most of us are pretty responsible for picking up after ourselves. We need to keep the ones who aren't on their toes.
Some idot left a pile of frozen uncleaned crappies on the sliver,I know those tiny crappies did not come from mille lacs, IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO CLEAN THEM THROW EM BACK NOT ON ONE OF MY FAVROITE SPOTS........................DUMB A##