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Post Info TOPIC: Are the nets going out this year?

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Are the nets going out this year?

Every year since the so-called "TREATY" gave Chippewa groups from Wisconsin and northern Minnesota the ability to come in and rape our lake of it's most valuable resource with gill nets, we always get worked up about it this time of year.

I've always hoped that, in time, the DNR and 1837 Treaty Organization would come to their senses and ban the gillnets.

Well, it ain't happenin'.

I've always liked the way Joe Fellegy (Steve's brother) put it in his 2010 article in the Outdoor News:

Mille Lacs gill-netting: biggest scam on state's outdoor scene

By Joe Fellegy
Outdoor News, April 14, 2010

I've strongly opposed the only spawning-time walleye gill-net fishery in the United States, without feeling guilty.

Ponder the high-impact Mille Lacs monster: enormous walleye totals, plus tons of unwanted and wasted pike; a giant cultural affront to most Minnesotans, who embrace closed seasons during spawning; gross misrepresentation of Ojibwe culture and history for political purposes; taxpayer millions for tribal, federal, and state management bureaucracies; disproportionately high tribal fish allocations; a tradition of go-with-the-flow acquiescence among state officials, who lost an air-tight case and helped shape the present intolerable system.

Consider, too, the hands-off approaches by journalists, politicians, and the conservation community. And there's the modern separate-and-unequal race politics - central to the new tribal "sovereignty" - that celebrates differences instead of commonalities.

Almost 20 years ago, the Mille Lacs Band government launched its unnecessary 1837 Treaty case against a generous state that signed compacts for two Mille Lacs Band casinos. Had one polled Band members in 1990 about a spawning-time gill-net fishery, it's likely 90-plus percent would have said no. Unfortunately, the Indian Industry, not the Indian people, ran the show.

In the early 1990s, I attended parties hosted by the late Ron Maddox, St. Paul bar owner, tribal lobbyist, and DFL activist who helped transfer Mille Lacs Band government to the modern Indian Industry's network of consultants, lawyers, lobbyists, p. r. firms, and advocacy groups. Band leader Marge Anderson told us that Mille Lacs Band members generally weren't interested in exercising 1837 fishing rights. Similarly, Don Wedll, the longtime non-Indian mind and voice of the Mille Lacs Band, assured the Minnesota Sportfishing Congress (MSC) there'd be no Wisconsin-style treaty fracas, since the Mille Lacs Band needed only several dozen walleyes annually for ceremonies. (Then why the lawsuit?)

Historically, no Mille Lacs leader made 1837 fishing a cause. After all, in the 1855 Treaty the Band relinquished "all rights, title, and interest of whatsoever nature" in the 1837 Treaty area. In the 1990s, as anglers increasingly worried about gill nets, tribal elder Betty Kegg asked me to explain the fuss over nets and fish. She told me, "Most Indians here don't care about fishing!"

That 'settlement'

No historic rights cause? Indians uninterested in fishing? True. But the new sovereignty had other aims, here and across the country: expand jurisdiction for tribal governments - management authority, political power, and money. Following treaty-rights hassles in Wisconsin, Mille Lacs Band policymakers played on Minnesota fears. They coaxed state personnel, especially from the Sando DNR and the Humphrey Attorney General's Office, into secret negotiations towards a "settlement" to be okayed by the Legislature and by a federal court. Key components of the failed settlement effort: A. Race-based partitioning of Mille Lacs Lake with a Mille Lacs Band "tribal exclusive zone" off the west shore - reminiscent of segregated facilities in the old south. (Had the other seven 1837 Chippewa bands gained similar zones, the total would have covered half the lake.) B. $8 to $10 million for Mille Lacs Band government. C. 7,500 to 15,000 acres of Minnesota public land (not detailed for the public). D. Redefinition of Mille Lacs Indian Reservation - 15 times larger than the one on your highway map.

Related points. . .

  • Most Chippewa netters from the eight 1837 bands, including six from Wisconsin, have no cultural or historic ties to Mille Lacs fishing.

  • No court required gill nets in Mille Lacs. Decisions about harvesting methods, fish allocations, seasons, etc. result from political decisions by management. No court exempted tribal managers from the same every-day scrutiny and politics that visit state DNRs and their decision-making. (Your DNR and lawmakers could okay gill nets, seines, dynamite, 20 lines, and limitless bass-keeping for all state-licensed anglers. But conservation ethics, values, and good politics intervene.)

  • Federal tax dollars fund tribal governments, tribal DNRs, and the Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission (GLIFWC). (Focus on this Indian Industry, not "the Indians.") Minnesotans fund their state's big role in "treaty fisheries management."

  • Courts never officially divvied up the Mille Lacs fish pie. No final allocation. Nevertheless, citing other cases and "precedent," state lawyers and officials - at what conference table? - surrendered to 50-50 splits for northern pike and perch. Did they open the door to future Indian Industry claims to 50 percent of the annual "safe harvest level" of Mille Lacs walleyes?

  • Somewhere in the legal papers, Minnesota officials have ultimate authority to intervene on conservation grounds. Sacrificial pike alone - for years discarded dead and alive, on the lake, in ditches, and in dumpsters - should justify flexing Minnesota's legal and political muscle.

  • Despite the state's losing case, the U. S. Supreme Court's 1999 ruling provided an out, affirming that the 1837 Chippewa harvest privilege is precarious and temporary - "at the pleasure of the President." Somehow, on this front and on the conservation opening, we've seen no state effort to end the annual madness.


-- Edited by tat2jonnie on Tuesday 12th of April 2011 07:46:37 AM



Gray Goose Captain

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Of course they will net.... we don't want them to starve.......


Malmo Bay Bomber

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Thanks Jon, for publishing this Joe Fellegy article and his research.

As a long time Mille Lacs Lake lakeshore owner, the spawn season gill netting is the most  offensive act against the lake and its ecosystem that one could ever imagine. It is poaching, waste and destruction on a level that no real fisherman can ever accept. I am very disappointed that Minnesota's elected leaders have not revisited this case and used an exedcutive order or court order to stop the netting -- especially by out of state  bands with no vested interest or tie to Mille Lacs.     

Where are the leaders on this one?


Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies

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When does their "season" end?  With the possibiltiy of a later ice-out, will they get added time?  Can't imagine it would be a good scene if they are still out over opener.


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Season end? there is none. Season = Spawning walleyes = easy pickings.


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So the walleyes are done spawning by opener and so are the natives.  (not spawning, but netting)

Has there ver been a time when they still had nets out on opener?


Malmo Bay Bomber

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I have seen an abondoned net one season with late ice out in Malmo Bay. We removed the damn net -- (one or two dead small northerns trapped in it) and put it in the trash so that no one got it in a prop coming to shore to dock. It is a real mess and a real nightmare every spring.

Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies

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Drove by the Wealthwood public access yesterday afternoon. There were two trucks of netters (without their boats) looking out on the ice and shaking their heads. The DNR was there watching them watching the ice.

Wish I had a camera!



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Almost breaks my heart.  NOT!



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The most pathetic part of it is the state has all the leverage in the world to stop this bs.  All they have to do is offer up a state casino and they would give up the fish rape pretty quick...


Malmo Bay Bomber

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Good Point Sutty, What in the hell is the State waiting for? DUH.disbeliefnohmm

Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies


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I sent a copy to our Senators, I encourage everyone to continue to keep this issue in front of the elected officials.


Rick Parker


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Just got back from the Ceder Creek Access and the Fon Du Lac conservation trucks where there and they where out drill holes checking thickness. The Ice is tight to the shore there. I did a short video clip. You can see it in the video forum or on the entrance page.


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hmm where to start.? you all scream and hollar every yr about the natives and the treaty rights.. first off ... key word is rights . the highest court already decided it.. so why do you argue it? you make fun of the natives... when i was a kid growing up in this area natives lived in tar paper shacks ... if they were lucky... many went hungry... i saw this with my own eyes.. sooo the band opened a casino... and now they have more money than you white ppl do so they have money to hire lawyers... and before you start ranting about the band and its big casino let me state.. it is the greed of people that made it big.. you who come gamble.. thinking you are going to get something for nothing... and you call it YOUR lake-- it is the blood of the natives that runs here there roots are here.. not yours... you can always find a lake to fish where there is no netting going on... you people who come up from the cities to fish call this your lake? hmm you talk about unfair advantage and taking away from your sport of fishing? ok so lets out law the under water cameras and other high tech devices you use.. how many ice houses are on the lake during the winter months? polluting it with cans and oil drippings off your cars and trucks and snowmobiles.. my main point is this ... its already been decided so why do you argue it? if you dont like it then fish elsewhere... and before you rant at me .. I am native american yes but i also have white blood.. but when you all start this ranting every yr like a bunch of spoiled brats that see another kid with a toy you want well i hate to admitt to the white part...



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do you think it is right to net spawning fish?



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ok first off as far as spawning goes..The argument that by netting during the spawing time decreases fish is untrue... What does it matter whether the fish are harvested in the spring or fall, the fish are still removed from the reproducing population.? If the fish is harvested in the fall, that fish will not be able to spawn the following spring. Yes, the Walleye are schooled up and therefore easier to net...      OK i want to clarrify something here... I was raised on Mille Lacs Lake.. my parents had a small resort on it ( lol and no i am not dumb enough to give you the name of it - dont need to be getting harrassed  lol ) but my dad always said the lake went in cycles.. always has always will. He fished and worked the lake for over 50 yrs.. some years you have good fishing and some years you dont.. but right away now adays everyone is so eager to blame the natives... its the cycle of things .. depends on water temps, food for the walleyes, weather.. many variables involved in it.

At any rate its minute as to weather or not they should net.. the fact is that Mille Lacs county is one of the poorest counties in Minnesota.. It is tourism driven.. look at all the money that mille lacs county wasted  - yes tax dollars- on fighting a battle that was wrong from the get go.. lol just think if they had spent millions instead on introducing walleye fry  ( young fish) to Mille Lacs! what an awesome fishing spot we would have. Instead you have a few haters trying to ruin it for everyone.. as far as the effects on the resorts goes--- why don't you realize that this would be a money making oppertunity for you.. The ones that come from Wisconsin or elsewhere spend money here on lodging and food..and gas.. this is money that you could be making before the official state opener.. but no.. you cut off your nose to spite your face.. It would be wonderful if for once you welcomed the natives that come .. instead of perpetuating this hatred that has gone on for years and years.


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Sorry for the late ice, ma'am.





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Goverment Plates Goverment Credit cards Whos MONEY!!!!!???????????????????

You can catch them if you fish for them!!!!!!


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honestly is it right to net spring or fall?



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sorry for the ice?hmm netting will happen this yr just like last.. just a bit later..and your  pic of piles of fish...  there are bad ppl in both races.. white and native.. you have whites that poach deer and other game.. do the natives go on and on about that in the local paper? and i am not saying it is an excuse but i wonder if some of the piles you see arent left by younger band members that have just had enough.. enough of the whites standing on shore making noises with there hands patting there mouths and being yelled at and called every dirty name in the book... and if i remember right it was never determinded where those fish came from.. for  all we know you had some white ppl wanting to get natives in trouble dumping them..

 and as far as       you can catch fish if  you fish goes      yes we can thank you very much.. we fish our way ... you fish yours.. and we all smile and get along..




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not sure what you mean by goverment plates and goverment credit cards.. natives buy car tags if thats what you are referring to.. the goverment card part I dont understand...

as far as the netting things goes walleye king.. it is more a matter of the natives using there treaty rights.. to make sure they are not taken away..I myself am of cherokee heritage.. some of my relatives walked the trail of tears. over 1/4 of the natives that were forced to go on the march died.. and what for? because whites discovered gold where they were living... it is just a matter of natives want the goverment to stop breaking treaties... if the usa did that with any other country there would be hell to pay... but because it was done to native americans it is ok..? a treaty is a written aggreement signed by parties involved..



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then why take so many fish?



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the dnr - state and tribal - decides how many fish can be taken each yr.. what it boils down to is they feel they need to take the allotted amount or the whites will say well you arent using your treaty rights anyways so forget it.. if it had just been given to them in the first place it would of been sooo much easier.. but you always have ppl thinking they own this or that... when in reality we dont own anything that has to do with mother earth or mother nature.. what most ppl dont realize is that the natives have a belief that you dont inherit the land or its resources from your grandparents.. you"borrow" them from your children.. for some reason ppl want to say the natives dont care.. but that is totally wrong..they want to use the resouces alloted to them in a wise manner.. most of the walleys taken are used for elder meals and for honor feasts.. these ppl that rant and rave about natives getting this or that bother me because the usa offers all kinds of benifits to ppl that come to the usa from other countries.. no taxes for 7 yrs.. easy access to education .. welfare if they need it.. the usa doesnt even look after its own ppl ... not that is has to do with this set of natives here in mille lacs county but do any of you realize there is a rez in south dahkota that the life expectancy is 45 yrs old! that is worse than some 3rd world countries.. there are still ppl on rez's in the usa that freeze to death every winter and going hungry for days.. thats a pretty sad statement on how things are done by the usa goverment for my part... i dont mean to get on a soap box but it is hard for me not to.. I think some of ppls complaints come from ignorance.. there is something called the american holocaust.. if you dont know what it is look it up on line.. this is what they are fighting for..they just want to be treated as ppl in there own right.. they work they have families and want to honor their heritage.. they are just now getting some of it back.. when they were sent to indian bording schools ( as late as the 60's) there heritage was stolen from them.. they werent allowed to practice there religion.. were not allowed to speak thier languages.. it was stolen from them... sorry for the rant... dont mean to go on and on but the native ppl are just wanting what is rightfully theirs


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What's up, Linda? Sounds like you got some deep-seeded resentments towards the white folk. Sound a little tipsy, too.

Did you know that you're in violation of the treaty?


No spirituous liquors shall be made, sold, or used on any of the lands herein set apart for the residence of the Indians, and the sale of the same shall be prohibited in the Territory hereby ceded, until otherwise ordered by the President.

By the way, the Ojibwe (Chippewa) didn't even live here until they raped and murdered their way from the east coast to Wisconsin IN THE 1600's!!!!!

 The Cherokee didn't live here at ALL. If you need  a history lesson, I can provide you one, lady.


-- Edited by tat2jonnie on Sunday 17th of April 2011 07:18:11 PM




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lol if you are calling me Linda well sir its not my name... also I don't drink and yeah I get resentful towards small minded people of any color.. I am native and white.. I didn 't say I did not say I had treaty rights here .. but my friends do... and I am well aware of where exactly my ancestors are from cherokee and otherwise... the only thing you got right in your small minded rant is the very end... the lady part.. thank you for your snide comments .... maybe you should study up on your history sir


Malmo Bay Bomber

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Native Lady,

We have hard evidence of tribal netters dumping many whole fish on private land in complete waste and disgrace of nature and the lake. If tribal members truly respected the lake and the land they would take only what they require and not waste natures precious resource. It was a flagrant and criminal act and it will not be forgotten by the people who love Mille Lacs. Your tribal kins man do NOT love the lake nor do they respect it.

We have the proof.  It is disgusting to all who love nature. We will not tolerate such acts!




Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies


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yes as I stated earlier there are both bad whites and bad natives... Its just as disgusting when you have anyone poaching deer or bear or what have you... you are lumping all ppl of one race together and I find that would be akin to me saying all norwegians love luda fisk lol you cant lump all ppl together and you shouldnt judge a whole community by the disgraceful acts of a few..


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There is finally something that I agree with.

But, what's wrong with lutefisk, now?

Ojibwe Location

In a tradition shared with the Ottawa and Potawatomi, the Ojibwe remember a time when they lived near an ocean. This may have been the Atlantic near the gulf of the St. Lawrence, but more likely it was Hudson Bay. Sometime around 1400, the North America climate became colder, and the first Ojibwe, Ottawa and Potawatomi bands started to arrive on the east side of Lake Huron. The Ottawa remained at the mouth of the French River and Lake Huron islands, but the Ojibwe and Potawatomi continued northwest occupying the shoreline to the Mackinac Strait which separates upper and lower Michigan. By 1500 the Potawatomi had crossed into lower Michigan while the Ojibwe continued west to Lake Superior and Wisconsin's Apostle Islands. When the French had their first meeting the Saulteur in 1623, the Ojibwe were concentrated in the eastern half of upper Michigan.

Through the fur trade and war, the Ojibwe after 1687 expanded to the east, south, and west. During their wars with the Iroquois, the Ojibwe pushed down both sides of Lake Huron and by 1701 controlled most of lower Michigan and southern Ontario. Following the French fur trade west during the 1720s, they moved beyond Lake Superior and into a war with the Dakota (Sioux) in 1737. During the next century, the Ojibwe forced the Dakota out of northern Minnesota and Wisconsin. Reaching Manitoba and North Dakota during the late 1700s, some bands adopted the plains lifestyle and continued west into Montana and Saskatchewan. At the same time, other Ojibwe moved south to settle in northern Illinois. By 1800 Ojibwe were living in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Michigan, Minnesota, Michigan, North Dakota, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. No other tribe has ever come close to controlling so vast an area as the Ojibwe did at this time. White settlement ultimately took most of their land and forced them onto reservations, but with the exception of two small bands, the Ojibwe have remained in their homeland.

Canada recognizes more than 600 First Nations - more than 130 of which are Ojibwe (at least in part). These are located in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.

In the United States, 22 Chippewa groups have federal recognition.

-- Edited by tat2jonnie on Sunday 17th of April 2011 08:51:17 PM




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hmm nothing wrong with it... lol



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the only thing that says is that they have been here scince the 1800's.. lol which is fine.. you left out the part about the fact that they were here when the treatys were written..are you implying they were war mongers..? hmm how about how the vikings lived in earlier times..or various other societies.. the fact remains the usa goverment made a treaty with them while they lived in this area...




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the reason millelacs county is poor BECAUSE THE NATIVES DONT PAY TAXES!



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Mille Laces county is poor, because everyone is on food stamps and cash assistance from the goverment. They are to lazy or to drunk, or to drugged up to find a job. Or they have a criminal background, which in that case, no one wants them.


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It comes down to what's right for the resource, not it's our Right. The DNR and Conservation talks out of both sides of their mouth if you ask me. Taking these fish at spawing and dragging nets thru the spawning grounds  cant be good.
Sport fishing stops at 10pm to help protect these fish for the first month of the season for a reason. Netting these fish when they are most valnurable is crazy and anyone who thinks it isn't hurting the lake needs to get the blinders off.
This wouldn't bother me near as much if the netting took place another time other than during the spawn.

Keep this conversation civil please. Keep it to your opinions. Name calling or racist comments will not be allowed.

Thank you,



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Having @_@a legal right doesn't make things right. I agree with Doug. The discussion should be about what's best for the lake. Leaving nets out over night can't be good. Why not pull nets before 10:00? I agree that the lake work in cycles. The netting quota was met last year and my family still had agreat year on the water. And I don't run a lot of new high tech equipment.
I hear people say things like "Mille Lacs is a dead sea. The Indians net them all." "I'll keep a 21"fish the Indians net em all anyways." The problem isn't the netting. It's the bad attitude associated with it, on both sides. Instead of trying to eliminate it focus on better regulations regarding it. That's a battle that can be won at this stage of the game. I'm actually more concerned about zebra mussels than netting. It sounds like these things may wreck it for everyone. Invasive species pose a much larger threat to our beloved resources than netting ever will.

Mille lacs is still the best walleye fishing around. And that's what I tell everyone. You can waste your time and money to go elsewhere but why? No, you can't keep everything nor should you be able to. That should go for everyone.




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Are the nets that have been used on Lake Superior treated or washed to help prevent the spead of VHS or Zebra Mussels?? It seems to me that Mille Lacs got Zebra Mussels about the same time it got a lot of gill nets from far away...


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Not sure, but who would check that? Or do anything about it, given that they can't even stop the dumping of fish guts?

How hard is it catch these? No sport and NO SKILL!





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What we need is a bunch of retired guys to fill all the landings and bays every day till opener crappie fishing.



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That would mean they cannot setup camp in state funded public landings?

Oh yeah, no overnight camping allowed at any public landing. What a f##Kin joke.



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I grew up on Lake Mille Lacs. My family has been there for over 100 years. To me, its not about native or white. We are ALL United States Citizens. We all live, work, farm, fish, hunt, etc off the land we have. We all need to realize that we are not making any more land no matter who we are. We all have to cherish what is available to us and use it in a manner that is respectful to all. Cities expand, people move & people come here for the AMERICAN Dream.



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FisherGirl wrote:

I grew up on Lake Mille Lacs. My family has been there for over 100 years. To me, its not about native or white. We are ALL United States Citizens. We all live, work, farm, fish, hunt, etc off the land we have. We all need to realize that we are not making any more land no matter who we are. We all have to cherish what is available to us and use it in a manner that is respectful to all. Cities expand, people move & people come here for the AMERICAN Dream.

 Thats the problem we are not all US Citizens.  Some of us are only US Citizens when conveniant




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My problem is not with the Mille Lacs Band or even some of the other Mn. bands using their so called "rights" to net fish on ML. My problem is with the Wi. and the Mi. Bands that come over and take advantage of Mn. resources. If the same Band members were to come over and gather resources lets say 200 yrs. ago,  would the ML band allow this? I would have to say no. So why do they let them come over now? Are the Mn. Bands allowed to go over to Wi. and spear? Are they allowed to go up to Kakagon slew or the Bad River and Net? It was these same Band members who dumped fish on the East side of the lake last year because they were heading back east and didn't want to spend the time and energy and gas to drive back over to the west side of the lake. If the ML band really cared about their rights and the resouces of the great body of water called Mille Lacs, then they would regulate their rights to net the lake and not let in any outside sources. Just my two cents!

                                                                                 Walleyebry NPAA #993 


"I'd rather have a fancy boat and a old truck, than a fancy truck and a old boat."

                 Walleyebry   NPAA #993       

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This is what the public landings were looking like today, Wed. April 20th.

(Notice: No netting)





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I can only hope that they are full of Minnesota resident license plates and people scouting their opener hot spots between ice out and opener.


Malmo Bay Bomber

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Nice Jon -- no netting today! Kewl !~!  Keep up the good work. The cold weather is helping the cause it seem? biggrin

I have always wanted a damn giant Walleye like that in Malmo...but it fits better near the Garrison Y of course. 

See ya soon, MM

Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies


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Every year people argue and argue and for what? Both sides get mad and the problem continues. How about a solution. Every year I propose my idea but I am going to start really pushing it. I'm not super educated and I don't understand all of the treaty so let me start with what I know

I appoligize ahead of time for spelling, my comp crashed so this is being done on my phone, and its hard to type on a phone.

I understand that the lake is netted for elderly and for social gatherings, which leaves me to assume many of the fish are frozen. That will play a role later

It is my understanding that netting is somewhat government funded

People argue weather netting in the spring or fall is better one way or another. I see both sides and half way agree with both sides, although for the record I think spring netting is worse - that's not what this is about tho. This is about NETTING altogether. And no one can tell me that netting doesn't harm the lake

Maybe some of u have a better idea of how many people fish "the dead sea" and how many people fish state wide. Just to start setting
some numbers I am going to say 4000 anglers regularly fish the lake and just for fun I would say 25% boycot the casino due to netting

Now onto the fun stuff- what if the casino built a fishery and stopped netting. Also beings that taking care of the land and giving back and being "green" is associated with the amercan indian how about if they stock the lake too. Here's how and why.

What if the casino built a row of single stall garages that r well lit, have power outlets and are long enough to fit a boat and pickup truck and charged say $100 dollars a night to safely secure your stuff while gambeling, eating, and staying at the casino.

$100 per night for storage
$100 per night for room
$30 per person per day for food
$50 gambeling money
Equals $570 per weekend for 2 people plus tack on tobacco and liquor sales if the casino sells that stuff
Ok now go 6 times per year - oh and just to keep the numbers reflecting new buisness that is generated by the 1000 anglers no longer boycotting the casino - they r looking at $3,420,000 added business per year!!!!!!!! Let's me repeat that 3.4 million dollars per year

Build a hatchery! The fish won't taste the same u say? Your right they won't. They will taste better because you are cooking them fresh rather then freezer burning them for up to a year.

Come on people. I get its your haritage. Ya know what, saying merry christmas is my heritage but I can no longer do that. At least look at this from a business stand point. You have the resources and the funding to do great things. Power it all with solar and wind power too. Think about how great the mille lacs band would look to the rest of the country. Set up a game room for sportsmen where a portion of each bet goes to funding the stocking of the lake. Have the big counter on the wall that represents fingerlings that will be released into the lake.

I mean seriously, I'm a maintenance guy, why isn't some big fancy exutive behind a desk thinking this stuff up? This isn't rocket science people.

I want everyone to respond to this.

Say if u go to the casino currently.
If u would start to if the lake wasn't netted
If u make a living at the lake
If you are "indian" or a "white man"
And tell me how you would change my plan

Thank you for your time



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Or even a better cheaper plan. Build the garages and have a sportsmans room like I brought up earlier. Continue netting the lake and with portions of money from the garages and the game room buy fingerlings from the DNR to restock what u netted and the eggs that didn't get laid. Maybe then the slot limit would shrink, the daily limit might rise and the night ban can be dropped. Win win for everyone!!

Other ideas. On the reciepts for rooms and food have a section for people to donate to by fingerlings

Just ideas. And they r all win win ideas!



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Tom S wrote:

Or even a better cheaper plan. Build the garages and have a sportsmans room like I brought up earlier. Continue netting the lake and with portions of money from the garages and the game room buy fingerlings from the DNR to restock what u netted and the eggs that didn't get laid. Maybe then the slot limit would shrink, the daily limit might rise and the night ban can be dropped. Win win for everyone!!

Other ideas. On the reciepts for rooms and food have a section for people to donate to by fingerlings

Just ideas. And they r all win win ideas!

 I have been going to Mille Lacs to fish year-round for years.  I don't gamble in the casino, and really, pretty much stay on the east side of the lake during my stays up there.

It's a nice idea...however, it looks like to me in your idea that the Native Americans would be fronting the cash and doing a lot of the work...with just a promise that we would patronize whatever they built, ran, etc.  Of course it's a win-win...because the netting would hypothetically stop and tourist/fishermen/etc. would hypothetically promise to spend money on the reservation. 

The Native Americans see no problems with the way things are now...heck, they may want more...who knows, and I have no idea on what their thoughts really are today. However, why would they agree to any of the compromise above?

A simple, but very difficult solution is to have everyone treated equally and not treat different races of people differently on various circumstances.


Gregg Maloney


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as far as the indian using the "we are kept down and poor" card I highly suggest this article!


It seems, the Irish, Itailain, African Americans and Hispanics have adjusted much better, blended into society instead of seperating themselves. I'm sick of listening to excuses. I know several natives that made the correct decisions in life and were rewarded accordingly. Just like every human being in America. You avoid drugs, alcohol, get an education, avoid commiting crimes and get a job, focus on your job become good at what you do, and you will be successful. It not a hard equation to figure out, but it can be imposseable to follow. I don't care what your race is. Yes some will have an easy path because their parents took that path and taught their childern that path and kept them on it. Other will struggle, they are the first to plow the path and have to navigate it on their own with little direction or help. But it can be and is done everyday, that is what makes this country great! There are many routes one can take to become successful, just as many to end up being weight on society. But it boils down to choices each individual makes along their journey. So enough of the excuse! 

I'm also disgusted with the state of MN and DNR, how can they be "out of money"? the special tax that was implement a couple years ago just for the DNR and Parks ect, the lottery, now asking for more money for license. (which is ok, but don't link it to we are broke) and to ask people to buy walleye stamps. When they spent that 1.4 million on a new landing access on the north end several years ago!!! hows that working for us, the guy that sold it to his buddy in the dnr did well! shame on the DNR for that move!

How dumb are we as voters becoming, we are constantly dupped year in and year out with lies and money wasted on frifaless projects! we call for changes, yet see nothing being done. Its beyond disturbing!

My one question to the natives that boast of their rights and speak of protecting this great resource we have is this.............................

I think spring is the best time for netting and getting your allocations of fish, with that being said,

why cant you at least strip these fish of their eggs and milk and put them back in the lake? Why hasn't the DNR considered this? They use this procedure across the state on other waters, why not here? This is the one of the biggest and most naturally  productive walleye factorys in the state, why can't we at least take the eggs, milk, mix them and put them back in the water? or use them for stocking other lakes that the DNR is asking people to buy stamps for? if they would have took that 1.3 million and made a stocking plant on the north end or any end for that matter it would have paid for itself already.





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Tom S.---the netting is TOTALLY taxpayer funded. ALL expenses and wages etc. paid with federal funds. 100 percent! Even the trucks they use have U.S. Government plates on them!

No need to raise money to raise walleyes. They could simply take about $150,000 to buy the 30,000lbs. of fillets they net now. That's $150,000 out of 100 percent taxpayer funded 5 plus million dollar budget GLIFWC(the parent entity to Tribal Treaty harvest here) has annually. GLIFWC is 100 percent federally funded! Or a few hours of Casino income? The math is easy and the logic is easy. Unless, like them, you have the option to do it in a fashion that is in the taxpayers face.

I don't have time to get into another message board ordeal on this subject but had to throw that out there. It's simple! Unless you consider their attitude toward you, the angler and taxpayer. It's an in your face effort with no sound reasoning for it(netting) to take place except to show power --just because they can. If not, they would, simply, buy the fillets......

I am outta here now! LOL

Steve Fellegy

-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Thursday 21st of April 2011 01:00:16 PM


Steve Fellegy

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Steve Fellegy wrote:

Tom S.---the netting is TOTALLY taxpayer funded. ALL expenses and wages etc. paid with federal funds. 100 percent! Even the trucks they use have U.S. Government plates on them!

No need to raise money to raise walleyes. They could simply take about $150,000 to buy the 30,000lbs. of fillets they net now. That's $150,000 out of 100 percent taxpayer funded 5 plus million dollar budget GLIFWC(the parent entity to Tribal Treaty harvest here) has annually. GLIFWC is 100 percent federally funded! Or a few hours of Casino income? The math is easy and the logic is easy. Unless, like them, you have the option to do it in a fashion that is in the taxpayers face.

I don't have time to get into another message board ordeal on this subject but had to throw that out there. It's simple! Unless you consider their attitude toward you, the angler and taxpayer. It's an in your face effort with no sound reasoning for it(netting) to take place except to show power --just because they can. If not, they would, simply, buy the fillets......

I am outta here now! LOL

Steve Fellegy

-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Thursday 21st of April 2011 01:00:16 PM


I have a feeling I am not only speaking for myself when I say that this forum misses your input!  I actually search for your postings on another forum site just to become more educated on the subject.  Hopefully, you will find time to chime in every now and again here on the Mille Lacs Lake Fishing Forum.



Gregg Maloney

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I'll 2nd that. Thanks


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you mention Italians hispanics etc becoming americanized.... sorry that hits a sore spot... they CAME  here... native americans were here already.. we didnt ask to come here.. WE WERE HERE....



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to steve fellegy- just think how great this lake could be if all the money wasted on lawyers and court battles had been spent on the lake and its resourses . how many MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars in Mille lacs couty were wasted on a battle that was wrong from the get go...?



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mn native lady wrote:

you mention Italians hispanics etc becoming americanized.... sorry that hits a sore spot... they CAME  here... native americans were here already.. we didnt ask to come here.. WE WERE HERE....

 mn native lady also wrote:

the only thing that says is that they have been here scince the 1800's.. lol which is fine.. you left out the part about the fact that they were here when the treatys were written..are you implying they were war mongers..? hmm how about how the vikings lived in earlier times..or various other societies.. the fact remains the usa goverment made a treaty with them while they lived in this area...


Ma'am you just can't have it both ways.......

Fact of the matter is, my family was here before yours (Viking). I'm not afraid to tell you who I am, so check out my profile. WE learned how to fish and hunt for our food without hurting the resource that provided for all of us.

By the way, you're still Cherokee today, right? Remember, they never did live here at ALL? 

Actually, in order to be totally fair, the Ojibwe should give back the land they stole from the Dakota and the Lakota Souix, (Mille Lacs Lake)

The Souix were more into farming, although I'm sure some speared. They didn't net, though. And were very much into preserving their resources, instead of burning out the land in their push westward as were the Chippewa. (see history lesson above)

-- Edited by tat2jonnie on Thursday 21st of April 2011 07:23:41 PM




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Native Lady-
In no way am I saying those culture were here prior to yours, or did I mention one word about being americanized. It wouldn't matter if you lived here, china, germany ect! but you missed the point, those cultures have historically been segregated, pushed into slums ect. They have experienced similar struggles, no struggle is the same as the next but have adapted. It doesn't matter if your a human, mammal, bird don't adapt to new environments you will perish. You ignored several other comments conveniently, why don't you comment on the one question I asked instead of going off topic.

-- Edited by johnny5 on Thursday 21st of April 2011 07:43:30 PM



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If you go to the catholic cemetary  in Onamia- the old part- my ancestors are some of the very first ones buried there.. so yes my family has been here for a very long time.. When I say we were here I was referring to the fact that someone was saying that the Italians and Hispanics have assimilated to the "American" way.. I was trying to tell you that the Native Americans were here .. this is where their ancesters are from... so why should they assimulate to what they are not.. Is it so hard to understand why we (speaking of Native Americans) want to hold on to our beliefs ...our way of life.. I challenge you to read up on the net about the American Holocaust... don't you as an American find ANY shame in the fact that Hitler got the idea of how to exterminate the Jews from how the USA goverment treated the Native Americans.. do you realize that Native Americans were forced to send thier children to bording schools as recently as the 60's ? Once there they were divied up into groups and told you are now Baptist, you are Catholic, you are Lutheran etc.. their hair was cut , they were forbidden to speak their native tongue, or practice their religion.  There culture was stolen from them.. Is it any wonder to you ( and look in your heart for this answer please) that the Native American today fights to maintain and reclaim thier culture.. their beliefs?

As far as someones comment about people want to claim united states citizen ship only when convienient--- well do you realize that there are more people with Native American blood in the United States Armed forces than any other ethnicity? How does that show when convienient when we are willing to send our loved ones off to protect our country... I find that offensive...

Enough of my rant.. just trying  to explain the Native side of it or some of it..

And yes I am Cherokee by blood.. but as I stated before also white.. so believe it or not - I do see both sides.. I see that the whites feel threatened by the Natives netting... because people are always threatened by what they don't fully understand..


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Fact of the matter is, the home boys don't net much........

( Wisconsin groups do. )

Sorry about your identity crisis!

-- Edited by tat2jonnie on Thursday 21st of April 2011 07:50:40 PM




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ok to johnny 5- as to milking the eggs.. I can't answer that one sorry... the ones who controll that is the GLIFWC  . Here is a link to thier website.. perhaps you can write to them in a calm consise matter and ask the questions of the ones that can actually answer them... oh on that link there are answers to several of the questions bought up here        including a report on invasive species... 

here is another link if you care to read..

and Native Americans have adapted to talk of the other races being pushed into slums... funny.. ever look into some of the rezs that still exist today? There are still tribes today where 90% live below the poverty leval.. it is hard to crawl out of poverty when you don't have the means... decent cars to travel to and from etc.. not making excuses just saying...My own children were all straight A students and all have jobs.. I have one son in the Marines..

and sorry but I tend to end up answering several ppl at once.. not just the last post..

and guys- as far as my identity goes.. yes I didn't put my name up..actually I went to school with some of you.. and I know the predjudice in this area.. I grew up with it..and my skin color is probably lighter than some of yours .. but in my heart and soul I am Native American..




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mn native lady,

I have nothing against native Americans. Everybody should be proud of who they are!

I don't think the nets are who you (or your friends) are. This is NOT how the Ojibwe caught fish when that treaty was signed and the treaty is being exploited.

And you're being lied to.......





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Mn native lady- seriously?!?! You make yourself look bad with every post u make. However I would love for you to enlighten all of us on what we don't understand about netting. What is it we don't understand about u getting thousands of dollars to fund the netting, you harvesting thousands of pounds of fish for your elders. What don't we understand?!?!

Let me guess, you'll pass up this post too.

I've pretty open minded for many years but I guess steve fellegy is absolutely right.

Does anyone happen to have a link to the treaty that can be posted up here easily for all to view?



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just another link if any of you are interested



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as far as how the fish are caught... ppl are always saying it wasnt done this way years ago.. they didnt net ... ect..... ok         maybe we should outlaw motors on boats on Mille Lacs.. maybe we should outlaw underwater cams... don't push it all off on the Natives.. the whites don't fish like there ancestors did either... 

folks we can argue this till we are all blue in the face ( lol then we would all be one color at least) but it won't solve or change anything... fact of the matter is.. it is here.. it is now..     and I have also referred before to the millions of taxpayers dollars to fight a argument in court that never should of been fought..    just think if all those dollars had been poured back into the lake instead of lawyers pockets? all because different people cant agree on what belongs to who.. like children arguing over a toy... fact of the matter is now.. the band makes millions from the they have money for the best lawyers available... weather thats fair or not.. depends on who you ask I guess..

people talk  about going to the lake landings and impeding the netters? just grow up.. that reminds me of my x husband talking about the racial tensions in the south when they were intergrating school... is that really how you want to appear? you say its about netting and yet my friends have had people on shore harrass them by making whooping noises and calling racial slurs.. all that does is prolong the ugliness.. it that the Mille Lacs area you want your kids and grandkids to grow up in...?  You all have access to the internet...maybe instead of trading insults on here and asking questions on here that no one really can answer with out looking up documents..      take some time and study both sides on the net..

sunshine on your face, stars to light your way at night and a rain bow after every storm.. cherokee blessing for you all          



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okay, native lady,





Vol. II, Treaties    

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1904.



Sept. 30, 1854. | 10 Stats., 1109. | Ratified Jan. 10, 1855. | Proclaimed Jan. 29, 1855.


Page Images: 648 | 649 | 650 | 651 | 652


Page 648

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at La Pointe, in the State of Wisconsin, between Henry C. Gilbert and David B. Herriman, commissioners on the part of the United States, and the Chippewa Indians of Lake Superior and the Mississippi, by their chiefs and head-men.


The Chippewas of Lake Superior hereby cede to the United States all the lands heretofore owned by them in common with the Chippewas of the Mississippi, lying east of the following boundary-line, to wit: Beginning at a point, where the east branch of Snake River crosses the southern boundary-line of the Chippewa country, running thence up the said branch to its source, thence nearly north, in a straight line, to the mouth of East Savannah River, thence up the St. Louis River to the mouth of East Swan River, thence up the East Swan River to its source, thence in a straight line to the most westerly bend of Vermillion River, and thence down the Vermillion River to its mouth.
The Chippewas of the Mississippi hereby assent and agree to the foregoing cession, and consent that the whole amount of the consideration money for the country ceded above, shall be paid to the Chippewas of Lake Superior, and in consideration thereof the Chippewas of Lake Superior hereby relinquish to the Chippewas of the Mississippi, all their interest in and claim to the lands heretofore owned by them in common, lying west of the above boundry-line.


The United States agree to set apart and withhold from sale, for the use of the Chippewas of Lake Superior, the following-described tracts of land, viz:
1st. For the L'Anse and Vieux De Sert bands, all the unsold lands in the following townships in the State of Michigan: Township fifty-one north range thirty-three west; township fifty-one north range thirty-two west; the east half of township fifty north range thirty-three west; the west half of township fifty north range thirty-two west, and all of township fifty-one north range thirty-one west, lying west of Huron Bay.
2d. For the La Pointe band, and such other Indians as may see fit to settle with them, a tract of land bounded as follows: Beginning on the south shore of Lake Superior, a few miles west of Montreal River, at the mouth of a creek called by the Indians Ke-che-se-be-we-she, running thence south to a line drawn east and west through the centre of township forty-seven north, thence west to the west line of said township, thence south to the southeast corner of township forty-six north, range thirty-two west, thence west the width of two townships, thence north the width of two townships, thence west one mile, thence north to the lake shore, and thence along the lake shore, crossing Shag-waw-me-quon Point, to the place of beginning. Also two hundred acres on the northern extremity of Madeline Island, for a fishing ground.
3d. For the other Wisconsin bands, a tract of land lying about Lac De Flambeau, and another tract on Lac Court Orielles, each equal in extent to three townships, the boundaries of which shall be hereafter agreed upon or fixed under the direction of the President.
4th. For the Fond Du Lac bands, a tract of land bounded as follows: Beginning at an island in the St. Louis River, above Knife Portage, called by the Indians Paw-paw-sco-me-me-tig, running thence west to the boundary-line heretofore described, thence north along said boundary-line to the mouth of Savannah River, thence down the St. Louis River to the place of beginning. And if said tract shall contain

Page 649

less than one hundred thousand acres, a strip of land shall be added on the south side thereof, large enough to equal such deficiency.
5th. For the Grand Portage band, a tract of land bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock a little east of the eastern extremity of Grand Portage Bay, running thence along the lake shore to the mouth of a small stream called by the Indians Maw-ske-gwaw-caw-maw-se-be, or Cranberry Marsh River, thence up said stream, across the point to Pigeon River, thence down Pigeon River to a point opposite the starting-point, and thence across to the place of beginning.
6th. The Ontonagon band and that subdivision of the La Pointe band of which Buffalo is chief, may each select, on or near the lake shore, four sections of land, under the direction of the President, the boundaries of which shall be defined hereafter. And being desirous to provide for some of his connections who have rendered his people important services, it is agreed that the chief Buffalo may select one section of land, at such place in the ceded territory as he may see fit, which shall be reserved for that purpose, and conveyed by the United States to such person or persons as he may direct.
7th. Each head of a family, or single person over twenty-one years of age at the present time of the mixed bloods, belonging to the Chippewas of Lake Superior, shall be entitled to eighty acres of land, to be selected by them under the direction of the President, and which shall be secured to them by patent in the usual form.


The United States will define the boundaries of the reserved tracts, whenever it may be necessary, by actual survey, and the President may, from time to time, at his discretion, cause the whole to be surveyed, and may assign to each head of a family or single person over twenty-one years of age, eighty acres of land for his or their separate use; and he may, at his discretion, as fast as the occupants become capable of transacting their own affairs, issue patents therefor to such occupants, with such restrictions of the power of alienation as he may see fit to impose. And he may also, at his discretion, make rules and regulations, respecting the disposition of the lands in case of the death of the head of a family, or single person occupying the same, or in case of its abandonment by them. And he may also assign other lands in exchange for mineral lands, if any such are found in the tracts herein set apart. And he may also make such changes in the boundaries of such reserved tracts or otherwise, as shall be necessary to prevent interference with any vested rights. All necessary roads, highways, and railroads, the lines of which may run through any of the reserved tracts, shall have the right of way through the same, compensation being made therefor as in other cases.


In consideration of and payment for the country hereby ceded, the United States agree to pay to the Chippewas of Lake Superior, annually, for the term of twenty years, the following sums, to wit: five thousand dollars in coin; eight thousand dollars in goods, household furniture and cooking utensils; three thousand dollars in agricultural implements and cattle, carpenter's and other tools and building materials, and three thousand dollars for moral and educational purposes, of which last sum, three hundred dollars per annum shall be paid to the Grand Portage band, to enable them to maintain a school at their village. The United States will also pay the further sum of ninety thousand dollars, as the chiefs in open council may direct, to enable them to meet their present just engagements. Also the further sum of six thousand dollars, in agricultural implements, household furniture, and cooking utensils, to be distributed at the next annuity payment, among the mixed bloods of said nation. The United States will also furnish two hundred guns, one hundred rifles, five hundred beaver-traps, three hundred dollars' worth of ammunition,

Page 650

and one thousand dollars' worth of ready-made clothing, to be distributed among the young men of the nation, at the next annuity payment.


The United States will also furnish a blacksmith and assistant, with the usual amount of stock, during the continuance of the annuity payments, and as much longer as the President may think proper, at each of the points herein set apart for the residence of the Indians, the same to be in lieu of all the employees to which the Chippewas of Lake Superior may be entitled under previous existing treaties.


The annuities of the Indians shall not be taken to pay the debts of individuals, but satisfaction for depredations committed by them shall be made by them in such manner as the President may direct.


No spirituous liquors shall be made, sold, or used on any of the lands herein set apart for the residence of the Indians, and the sale of the same shall be prohibited in the Territory hereby ceded, until otherwise ordered by the President.


It is agreed, between the Chippewas of Lake Superior and the Chippewas of the Mississippi, that the former shall be entitled to two-thirds, and the latter to one-third, of all benefits to be derived from former treaties existing prior to the year 1847.


The United States agree that an examination shall be made, and all sums that may be found equitably due to the Indians, for arrearages of annuity or other thing, under the provisions of former treaties, shall be paid as the chiefs may direct.


All missionaries, and teachers, and other persons of full age, residing in the territory hereby ceded, or upon any of the reservations hereby made by authority of law, shall be allowed to enter the land occupied by them at the minimum price whenever the surveys shall be completed to the amount of one quarter-section each.


All annuity payments to the Chippewas of Lake Superior, shall hereafter be made at L'Anse, La Pointe, Grand Portage, and on the St. Louis River; and the Indians shall not be required to remove from the homes hereby set apart for them. And such of them as reside in the territory hereby ceded, shall have the right to hunt and fish therein, until otherwise ordered by the President.


In consideration of the poverty of the Bois Forte Indians who are parties to this treaty, they having never received any annuity payments, and of the great extent of that part of the ceded country owned exclusively by them, the following additional stipulations are made for their benefit. The United States will pay the sum of ten thousand dollars, as their chiefs in open council may direct, to enable them to meet their present just engagements. Also the further sum of ten thousand dollars, in five equal annual payments, in blankets, cloth, nets, guns, ammunitions, and such other articles of necessity as they may require.
They shall have the right to select their reservation at any time hereafter, under the direction of the President; and the same may be equal in extent, in proportion to their numbers, to those allowed the other bands, and be subject to the same provisions.
They shall be allowed a blacksmith, and the usual smithshop supplies, and also two persons to instruct them in farming, whenever in the opinion of the President it shall be proper, and for such length of time as he shall direct.
It is understood that all Indians who are parties to this treaty, except the Chippewas of the Mississippi, shall hereafter be known as the Chippewas of Lake Superior. Provided, That the stipulation by which the Chippewas of Lake Superior relinquishing their right to land west

Page 651

of the boundary-line shall not apply to the Bois Forte band who are parties to this treaty.


This treaty shall be obligatory on the contracting parties, as soon as the same shall be ratified by the President and Senate of the United States.

In testimony whereof, the said Henry C. Gilbert, and the said David B. Herriman, commissioners as aforesaid, and the undersigned chiefs and headmen of the Chippewas of Lake Superior and the Mississippi, have hereunto set their hands and seals, at the place aforesaid, this thirtieth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four.

Henry C. Gilbert,

David B. Herriman,


Richard M. Smith, Secretary.

    La Pointe Band:

Ke-che-waish-ke, or the Buffalo, 1st chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Chay-che-que-oh, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

A-daw-we-ge-zhick, or Each Side of the sky, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

O-ske-naw-way, or the Youth, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Maw-caw-day-pe-nay-se, or the Black Bird, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Naw-waw-naw-quot, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Ke-wain-zeence, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Waw-baw-ne-me-ke, or the White Thunder, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Pay-baw-me-say, or the Soarer, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Naw-waw-ge-waw-nose, or the Little Current, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Maw-caw-day-waw-quot, or the Black Cloud, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Me-she-naw-way, or the Disciple, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Key-me-waw-naw-um, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

She-gog headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

    Ontonagon Band:

O-cun-de-cun, or the Buoy 1st chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Waw-say-ge-zhick, or the Clear Sky, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Keesh-ke-taw-wug, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

    L'Anse Band:

David King, 1st chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

John Southwind, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Peter Marksman, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Naw-taw-me-ge-zhick, or the First Sky, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Aw-se-neece, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

    Vieux De Sert Band:

May-dway-aw-she, 1st chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Posh-quay-gin, or the Leather, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

    Grand Portage Band:

Shaw-gaw-naw-sheence, or the Little Englishman, 1st chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

May-mosh-caw-wosh, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Aw-de-konse, or the Little Reindeer, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Way-we-ge-wam, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

    Fond Du Lac Band:

Shing-goope, or the Balsom, 1st chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Mawn-go-sit, or the Loon's Foot, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

May-quaw-me-we-ge-zhick, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Keesh-kawk, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Caw-taw-waw-be-day, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

O-saw-gee, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Ke-che-aw-ke-wain-ze, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Naw-gaw-nub, or the Foremost Sitter, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Ain-ne-maw-sung, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Naw-aw-bun-way, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Wain-ge-maw-tub, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Aw-ke-wain-zeence, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Shay-way-be-nay-se, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Paw-pe-oh, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

    Lac Court Oreille Band:

Aw-ke-wain-ze, or the Old Man, 1st chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Key-no-zhance, or the Little Jack Fish, 1st chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Key-che-pe-nay-se, or the Big Bird, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Ke-che-waw-be-shay-she, or the Big Martin, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Waw-be-shay-sheence, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Quay-quay-cub, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Shaw-waw-no-me-tay, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Nay-naw-ong-gay-be, or the Dressing Bird, 1st chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

O-zhaw-waw-sco-ge-zhick, or the Blue Sky, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

I-yaw-banse, or the Little Buck, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]


Page 652

Ke-che-e-nin-ne, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Haw-daw-gaw-me, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Way-me-te-go-she, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Pay-me-ge-wung, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

    Lac Du Flambeau Band:

Aw-mo-se, or the Wasp, 1st chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Ke-nish-te-no, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Me-gee-see, or the Eagle, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Kay-kay-co-gwaw-nay-aw-she, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

O-che-chog, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Nay-she-kay-gwaw-nay-be, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

O-scaw-bay-wis, or the Waiter, 1st chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Que-we-zance, or the White Fish, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Ne-gig, or the Otter, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Nay-waw-che-ge-ghick-may-be, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Quay-quay-ke-cah, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

    Bois Forte Band:

Kay-baish-caw-daw-way, or Clear Round the Prairie, 1st chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Way-zaw-we-ge-zhick-way-sking, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

O-saw-we-pe-nay-she, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

    The Mississippi Bands:

Que-we-san-se, or Hole in the Day, head chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Caw-nawn-daw-waw-win-zo, or the Berry Hunter, 1st chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Waw-bow-jieg, or the White Fisher, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Ot-taw-waw, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Que-we-zhan-cis, or the Bad Boy, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Bye-a-jick, or the Lone Man, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

I-yaw-shaw-way-ge-zhick, or the Crossing Sky, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Maw-caw-day, or the Bear's Heart, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Ke-way-de-no-go-nay-be, or the Northern Feather, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Me-squaw-dace, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Naw-gaw-ne-gaw-bo, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Wawm-be-de-yea, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Waish-key, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

Caw-way-caw-me-ge-skung, headman, his x mark. [L. S.]

My-yaw-ge-way-we-dunk, or the One who carries the Voice, 2d chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

John F. Godfroy, Interpreters.

Geo. Johnston, Interpreters.

S. A. Marvin, Interpreters.

Louis Codot, Interpreters.

Paul H. Beaulieu, Interpreters.

Henry Blatchford, Interpreters.

Peter Floy, Interpreters.

Executed in the presence of—

Henry M. Rice,

J. W. Lynde,

G. D. Williams,

B. H. Connor,

E. W. Muldough,

Richard Godfroy,

D. S. Cash,

H. H. McCullough,

E. Smith Lee,

Wm. E. Vantassel,

L. H. Wheeler.




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I never said that was the treaty... I gave links to the wildlife and fishery page.. also on Ojibwe culture/history.. Because ppl are asking why ... why the Natives feel the need or right to harvest fish... to understand a culture and their beliefs you should study them and understand a bit of their history.. where they are coming from as a people..
as I said earlier .. we can argue till we are blue in the face.. wont solve anything..all it does is extend the animosity and anger..I have no problem with anyone voiceing there oppions in a decent respectful manner.......... there have been some on this forum that have asked valid questions... such as the milking of wich I gave the best answer I could- to talk to the fish and game ... to point out your concerns to them and get a response from them... instead of trying to be rabble rousers on here.. after all ....what exactly does anyone hope to accomplish by some of the suggestions on here other than to cause trouble.? someone talked about getting together a bunch of retired ppl to stand at the landings? come on.. the Natives have to fill out a slip as to which landing they are going to the night before..and the dnr is at every landing ... do you think they wouldn't be calling in the cops if there was trouble or a situation brewing that they couldn't handle? People try to say this is not a racist issue. But I still think it is or at least some ppl on here have hidden aggendas...all this talk about the casino thats on here? boycotting it? won't happen because most of the ppl that go to the casino probably arent here to fish. And maybe someone should look at how many jobs the casino supplies for this area. local people - whites included. Also the casino contributes to charities in this area .. anyways this is just getting to be a out and out argument. like I said seek your answers from the people who actually have the answers.instead of trying to incite racism and hatred. And yeah I have Native Pride! most of the time I am proud of my white heritage too I am a mixed person and I walk both sides of the line. This seems to make the paper every year..too bad this area can't make the paper for something good- people of a small community working together to solve problems.. maybe you who have time to stand at the landings should find something better to do with your time. volunteer at the local schools. take a kid fishing.. go do yard work for an elderly person..take an elderly person fishing who cant get around so good anymore.. go to the nursing home and visit or play cards with the elderly..the list is endless..wouldn't it be awesome if we made the paper or news for something like "for a small comunity Mille Lacs lake has the highest volunteerism in the state!" Now that would be cool... blessings to all...


Formica Flat Vet

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Mn native lady and others who have posted on this thread, I appreciate reading both sides of the discussion so thank you for posting.

For me this has nothing to do with race.  It all boils down to one group have unequal rights over another.


Humana Insurance Representative-Brainerd and Mille Lacs Area


Malmo Bay Bomber

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Attaboy, Jon. I am impressed.


Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies


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found this on the web and it made me smile.. kind of sounds like this situation...

Laws Of The Toddler Joke
1. If I like it, it's mine.
2. If it's in my hand, it's mine.
3. If I can take it from you, it's mine.
4. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.
5. If it's mine, it must never appear to be yours in any way.
6. If I'm doing or building something, all the pieces are mine.
7. If it looks just like mine, it's mine.
8. If I think it's mine, it's mine.

This applies to many grown-ups too!


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Lady these are YOUR words

"to steve fellegy- just think how great this lake could be if all the money wasted on lawyers and court battles had been spent on the lake and its resourses . how many MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars in Mille lacs couty were wasted on a battle that was wrong from the get go...?"

WHO started ANY of this? WHO filed the original suit in '90? WHO has questioned in court, the reservation boundries that the State has had on record for decades? WHO pushed Mille Lacs County into defending themselves? WHO is to blame--originally--for these costs you speak of? WHO initiated ANY divisive action on this front? And lastly...WHO has paid ALL of the legal fees for BOTH sides of every relative court effort you speak of? Your answer, if done honestly and factually--should be very short.

ALL of this AFtER you (the bands all over the country) were given (by who again?) the opportunity to have casinos--EXCLUSIVELY! YOU and the bands should be ashamed of your attitude toward the rest of us after getting the biggest break of ANY race in the entire history of this country!

YOU and YOURS asked for this fight! In the end, I will bet my life that the GREED that is pushed into the rest of non-bands faces with gill-nets and no cost license plates on 50K cars and the list goes on, will become the BIGGEST mistake made by ANY ethnic group in U.S. history. MARK my words.....



Steve Fellegy

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what it boils down to is tribal soverienity.. . that is just one link among many to be found on line.. people talk about unequal rights.. when in fact it was never meant to be equal rights .. the tribes have retained soverien rights.. meaning they have other and different rights ...



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Steve - when I speak of millions spent ... I ask you this.. who kept taking it to higher courts at a cost to the tax payers of this county? instead of accepting the ruling of the lower courts? and yes I have raised my family in this county.. money would of been better spent improving our schools and bringing more jobs into the area so our children could have a good future here...  it all boils down to who kept pushing it.. steve - I am not sure if you grew up  on Mille Lacs or where you are from... but of course the band fights for thier rights.. I grew up here.. I remember as a child the natives living in tar paper shacks.. of them coming to my dad and asking for work because they had no money ..and were going hungry .. oh yeah the goverment provided comods..flour . spam lard. etc..  . Yes there was and is additions and alcoholism on the rez.. but so is there the same problems with the white youth of the area..   sorry but I do tend to get angry when ppl forget what it was like here yrs ago.. how the natives were forced to live. and now that they have a better life people are bitter? wow... you are so devoted to this thing that sticks in your craw steve.. I truly wish you would devote your energy into bringing jobs to our community or the schools of the community .. wow that would be great  .. instead you beat a dead horse and insite this anger among ppl every year around netting time..


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Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior

Was thinking a few days that the quota could be more difficult to reach with the time left for the spawn valnurbility due to the late ice. But once they get at it they have now approved that throwing more nets at'em is the solution to that.disbelief Lots of wiggle room in these rules.



Website Admin



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Lady- u talk about being poor and wanting more jobs and better schools. STOP FING NETTING!!! Do u have any clue how much money goes with anglers to canada and wis. Simply because mille lacs has become the" dead sea". All that money could be spent right in your home town and be providing better futures for everyone.

Also u openly admit to drinking problems and such - funny, tell me how article 7 should be understood. Its amazing that some rules are convienient and some r over looked



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If things are done that most on here want to happen. Jobs WILL come back to the great area of Mille Lacs. That is a VERY key point. No More Nets...
It is not that hard to understand. Mille Lacs County - Onamia area are not in the best of shape. Could the Casino- No taxes paid? Be a big part of this? Look back in history- this area was Booming years ago...





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Lady- u stated that u want mille lacs to be known for more then this terrible thing that u want it in the paper for good reasons instead of bad. Mille lacs was once named the best walleye lake in the world. Not any more, now some of the most avid fisherman I know won't even talk about that lake. The casino has the resources to do something great and to be known for wonderful things. How about stop netting the lake, capitalize on other buisness ideas and actually earn -and deserve- the name of "GRAND casino"



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Tom- if you read up there is someone saying they still catch plenty of fish from Mille Lacs .. I have lots of white friends that fish this lake and always get what they go after.. Part of the reason ppl don't want to come to this area is because of this every yr.. ppl on tv and you tube and in the papers scareing ppl away .. telling them it is a dead sea.. its called bad publicity.. bad p.r. when in fact the average family that wants to come enjoy a day at Mille Lacs will find plenty of fish ..
as far as article #7 goes.. you refer to the drinking and addiction problems around here or at least I was.. that is a area problem not just a rez problem.. unfortunately alcoholism and addition knows no boundries. not racial or land.. it is an area problem..

Steve- sorry I did read about you and you do live on the lake

Russ- the casino employs alot of local ppl not just natives.. ... and as far as not paying taxes the ppl that work there do.. my son worked there part time last year and paid in over $500 in state tax alone.. years ago this was a booming area? most resorts were family operated... wich in itself was a small portion of the local population.. this was a farming . and logging community yrs ago.... how has netting affected that? I grew up in this area and I recall most kids couldnt wait to leave..ppl left to work elsewhere..even back in the boom days as you refer to them.

also as I stated before the casino does contribute to local charities.. capitolize on other bussiness ideas? the band owns lots of bussiness that they have started .. grocery store, subway, gas station, theater etc... the band employs alot of the ppl from this area..take a walk thru and dont spend your money ... just look at the ppl working there.. most are probably not band memebers..
Also the casino is just like the tv.. you have a shut off knob on the tv.. so you can choose to watch it or no. same with the casino.. ppl dont have to go there..its their choise.


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Lady: So in fact, you will not answer my questions? Your rationale that others drove the cost up by fighting the lawsuit is almost laughable. The fact is, the Bands started the battle and THAT is the basis for where we are at today. No lawsuit=no cost and divisiveness among all of us.

Now--in your answer you are quoted as saying "how the natives were forced to live".

Lady--I have been here for 57 years! Yes, I saw the tar-paper shacks. And I also saw the school bus open it's doors to anyone/band member  who wanted to better themselves. In fact, NO ONE was "forced" to live on the reservation. NO ONE was deprived of ANY opportunity to make themselves better people and successful in this world. NO ONE on or off the reservation, as you state, was "forced' into anything because of their ethnic origin!

Lady--don't take ME on. Because the FACTS will dispute your answers.  FACTS and modern day, main stream  logic will dispute and prove wrong, anything else in the end.

-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Friday 22nd of April 2011 01:01:22 PM


Steve Fellegy

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Lady--your words--"also as I stated before the casino does contribute to local charities.. capitolize on other bussiness ideas? the band owns lots of bussiness that they have started .. grocery store, subway, gas station, theater etc... the band employs alot of the ppl from this area.."

Has the cost to Mille Lacs county agencies of sorts gone up on a faster pace since the Casino was built or gone down--that can be traced to the reservation?

Do YOU know where or who's dollars are being used to contribute to local charities? Do YOU know who pays the wages for ALL Tribal Government  employees? WHO paid for ALL of the homes on the Reservation? WHO paid for the Sewage Treatment system the west side of the lake uses now? What is the FACTUAL origin of most of the dollars that are spent on the reservation (and off reservation for Tribal members) ? Don't bet on that money being Casino $$.

ALL of that and "subsistance fishing" has to be in place? LOL Anything but "thank you " is a shameful and disgraceful answer by ANY Band member!

 Talk the facts Lady or quit talking.

-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Friday 22nd of April 2011 01:37:05 PM


Steve Fellegy

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Let me conclude my thoughts here and therefore bow out of this thread, with these words: (these are words I wrote and will stand by, months ago as I opened  the legal process I am presently working with regarding the "equal protection" case)


Our fight is NOT with American Indians. It is with the U.S. Government.

In the short term, our intent is to put an end to exclusive rights that the U.S. Government allows Native Americans to exercise at Lake Mille Lacs, Minnesota and, ultimately, all over the entire nation. Our effort is based on the fact that all United States citizens are born equal, no matter of skin color nor ethnic origin and that all should enjoy their citizenry and natural resources equally.

In the long term, nationwide, our mission is to expose the flaws and failures within exclusive U.S. Native American Sovereignty. We want to force the U.S. Government into creating a new, modern day solution to Native American issues and by doing so, create better lives for Native Americans. We feel the exclusiveness allowed Native Americans within the U.S. has failed them and is, ultimately, out of control. Our mission is to force the U.S. Government into bringing ALL U.S. citizens together as equal citizens, based on ethnic origin and skin color--NOT excluding Native Americans. Our mission is to see Native Americans living within the SAME rules and regulations, without exception, as ALL U.S. citizens, nationwide, are mandated by the Constitution of the United States. So in the end, ALL of us, simply, get along without alienating anyone, no matter their ethnic origin or skin color.




Steve Fellegy

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Wonderfully worded.  Thanks again Steve for your valued and experienced input on this topic.

Gregg Maloney

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Like Steve, Joe, Gregg, Tom, Russ and others have said about the subject; this is not a racial attack on the native Americans. God (or the great white buffalo spirit) only knows, the American Indians got punked badly over the years.

I also know that part of most one nations culture includes the belief in an animal spirit that each individual has. It makes that animal sacred. My spirit animal is the Walleye. It sees all, including extinction if the netting continues. This won't be good medicine for the band.

He sees tar paper shacks again in the tribal future............. 


-- Edited by tat2jonnie on Friday 22nd of April 2011 07:25:10 PM



Gray Goose Captain

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Lot's of good reading and ranting !!! LOL... For me it boils down to... if I don't want to be treated differently, then don't treat me differently...... the Treaty just makes us different and there in lies the problem. The only person that can truely hold you down, is yourself. We haven't been at war with the natives for decades... or have we ???


Gray Goose Captain

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Honest question for anyone.......If I was born in the United States... does that make me a Native American ??? If 5 generations before me were born here also, does it make anyone else, more Native than I ??? At what point are people equal ???


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I think I'm going to be equal this year!

(Anybody know where I can get 5 gill nets real quick?)

After all, I do belong to the Fukowi tribe. (not sure which nation I'm from, but I just KNOW that the white-eyes been screwin' me. Called me names in school and stuff.)

I can print out a green card, get some tupperware to put all my fish in.......

Yeah, and I can bring the filets to my grandpa's retirement home and throw all the guts in somebody's field on my way back to Runamuck, Wisconsin .




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you say it isn't racist but maybe you should listen to your red neck jokes.. think you are funny? in a way you are.. in the same way grade school boys are..

blood quantum was a thing created by the white man.. so you are still norwegian or what have you or at least your heritage is..sorry lol
**censored**owi tribe is really old joke ...

honest question for you Glen- if I was to walk into your house... I have never been there before....does that mean I discovered it and therefore make it mine.... Columbus didnt discover anything... we have been here for centuries...

Jon- you say you are not racist? listen to yourselves? tar paper shacks? do you honestly see humor in that? Making fun of the religious beliefs of Natives? hmmm that would be akin to me saying you worship lutefisk... you talk of extinction... maybe one day we will all live to see the extinction of the white mans greed? wado! now that would be a fine day!Making fun of someone religion brings bad karma .. so maybe the walleye will ignore you this yr and you wont catch any...

I believe Steve said something about the natives not being forced to live like that ... school was available etc.. well -- if you are living in total poverty.. and have no means of transportataion.. to go out and get a job - well just how do you figure they weren't forced to live like that? It takes money to move.. even now days it does.. so yes they were stuck living like that...
The funny thing about this whole thing when I go back and read it i read jelousy..someone makes mention of 50 grand trucks or something similar... how many whites drive 4x4's worth that? should all Natives stick to rez cars that are held together with coat hangers and duct tape?

ok alot of you grew up in this area... lmao i went to school with some of you.. you were party animals and red necks back then too lol.. . but you are basically decent men.. who are blinded by what you dont want to see... the Natives are a soveriegn nation... so yes there are differences... always will be.. its up to you all if you choose to carry on and perpetuate this ...
I have offered links as to the Natives beliefs so that you could understand where they are coming from.. but you just continue to make fun of there beliefs... of thier religious and cultural my book that just makes you sound like red necks..northern hillbillys..

Instead of taking the time to adress your concerns to the proper people ... the dnr and the glfw dpt. or even go address the tribal council... you rant and rave on here and try to incite ppl to hatred and pettiness... I feel only pity in my heart for you and your attitudes.........



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One of the best threads I have read in a long time! Steve and tat2jonnie I love the facts. The facts don't lie! I'm sure glad the two of you are on our side.

I agree the netting has to stop. There have been several great solutions, mentioned in this thread, to ponder. I think if our gov't would just grow a pair already and start talking about this situation, a solution could be hatched some how. But instead they just refuse to be a participant. Steve is definately on the right track by staying in there face. If somebody can make a change, I believe it will be Mr Fellegy.

That being said...I don't think FORCING anybody to do anything will work, short term or long. It starts with negotiations...negotiation just has START!

Netting has been a thorn in my side since I was old enough to understand. We just need to work together.

I think if Steve, tat2jonnie and Tom S. went and met with the elders, they could probably get this done by themselves!

Thanks guys!!


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It doesn't sound good when I talk about everybody netting during the spawning season, does it? Extinction wouldn't take long if THAT happened, would it? Denny could start a fertilizer business from all the fish guts on his land!

By the way, native lady, we aren't hillbillies, we're lakebillies.

5 nets apiece? WOW!!!!!!!

THAT is going to be alot of nets out with that ice shifting around. Each net has a DNR number. If they lose a net and the DNR gets it, they can track it to it's owner. That person will lose his or her right to net in Minnesota for good.

Hope you netters are better at finding nets.

-- Edited by tat2jonnie on Saturday 23rd of April 2011 05:29:39 AM



Gray Goose Captain

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honest question for you Glen- if I was to walk into your house... I have never been there before....does that mean I discovered it and therefore make it mine.... Columbus didnt discover anything... we have been here for centuries...

That's just it.... Native Americans(many tribes) & Germans/Irish/Italians/Norwegians/Spanish & Africans have been here for centuries, some more than others, but at what point should everybody be equal ? According to the constitution, all are created equal, there is no time frame. I realize some do not recognize the constitution, I know you are mixed race, so I don't know if you do or not, but I think it's time to assimilate and treat everybody equal... don't punish me for things that happened hundreds of years ago & I in return, have no reason to harbor ill thoughts toward someone. If you want division, provide division... that to me is a treaty. I agree, too many times we lump a whole group or race together.... which is wrong... this is exactly what the treaties accomplish.

As far as Columbus is concerned, his boat navigation skills do impress me, but like you say, it's hardly a discovery. This whole earth went through exactly what North America did.... people are a mobile creature and it is a natural instinct, to see what's over the next hill or across the water. I really think any of the Tribal Chiefs/Members would agree, the treaties were not set-up, so a blond Indian from Wisconsin, can load up his 21 foot Crestliner with nets, drive a couple hundred miles, net a couple thousand pounds of Walleye and return back to Wisconsin after a week or 2..... back in the day, he would be risking his life and locks doing that....

-- Edited by Glen Ertl on Saturday 23rd of April 2011 06:59:53 AM



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Glen - you are one of the few on here that hasn't flung insults and I appreciate that...
I am sorry but there is some equality between Native Americans and whites here in the USA. But not alot..and yes alot of it has to do with the history of how they have been treated. Not sure of your lineage but I am sure that your family has always been able to celebrate religious holidays or even speak their native tongue if they choose.. to keep your heritage alive..where as the Natives were not allowed that.. so they hold fast to what they have in the way of culture and heritage.. the treaties do exist ... and in even the early writings of the US goverment the Indians were set apart.. it has to do with the soveriegn nation thing.. the BIA exists.. these are facts of life.. have you ever read on line about the American Holocaust? You seem an intelligent man. If you study the American Holocaust you will understand a bit the anger and the pride at surviving the Natives have.
lol as far as the color of someones hair or skin goes that is not what makes them Native.. that is the goverments blood quantum that makes them native.. and its in their hearts..
The natives in the past andpresant do care about resources.. there is a saying they have-----" you do not inherit the earth from your parents but borrow it from your children.." They believe in living for the 7th generation... they realize that what we do now affects generations to come.. to the Natives this lake is home.. they will not knowingly decimate it..I left a link to the glwf earlier.. you can look on there and read about their rules and regs for protecting natural resources..
As far as me being American and Native goes... yes I believe in the constitution of the USA. My family has fought in all the world wars, viet nam and now my own son is a yes we believe.. and we protect..we give our loved ones to protect the USA same as any other race here.. I am the proud mom of a Marine..But I am also a proud Native.. proud that we have managed to hang on to our beliefs and our religions when at different times in history it was taken from us.. we are survivors..maybe if when the Irish, the French or English had come here and if they had been told you can't speak your language or practice your religion then maybe you could understand better... I may not be the best with words to explain this but yes we are for the most part proud Americans.. and also have Native pride...
thank you for your honest questions Glen.



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mn native lady wrote:

if I was to walk into your house... I have never been there before....does that mean I discovered it and therefore make it mine....  

 Interesting question, but don't you think you should ask this of the Lakota tribe? After all, they where the ones who where living in this area, and where forced out by the ojibwe. Many may know the Lakotas better as the "Sioux".

The term Sioux is itself derived from a derogitory Ojibwe term, nadouessioux , which means “little snakes” or “enemies.”  

Interesting huh.?.?



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your pic on your tag says it all ..........and doesnt deserve an answer..



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Nice deflection,,,,,,,,guess that's all you can do when your blatant hypocrisy is exposed.......................


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To OUR(mn) sensitive native lady,

You have obviously given this thread alot of thought and invested some amount of time investigating things on both sides. I DO NOT take what you say lightly. On the contrary, I respect you for your stance. Don't ever underestimate your opponents. I learned that playing chess, which IS a white man's game, usually, at least in origin.

But on the other hand, we aren't going to settle every conflict with your band with just one thread. It'd be better if we could deal with just the netting issue. These guys are a bunch of fun loving fisherman (and women) who just can't understand why someone would purposely spoil their fun by exterminating the walleyes that are so plentiful for all of US. (including the first people here) The point of this thread is to pass the ball to aplayer that has a better shot at the hoop. And that I learned from basketball, which was a native American sport.twocents.gif






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when you take things out of context they don't deserve an answer... the Ojibwe never claimed to discover this area.. my remark was talking about Christopher Columbus claiming to discover america... you don't even live up here and yet you feel the need to stir things up.. that is just the kind of thing we dont need up here.. blatent hypocrisy? wow... ok if you say so...



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ok tat........... here is something for some one to look on line and come up with actual percentage on how many female versus male fish are caught..?....this is all about netting.. soooooooooo the Natives I know have nets that have the size of the net to purposely NOT catch females.. they are a bigger opening.. I was gonna bring that up but I figured it would open a whole new argument on it lol... the truth of the matter is            they don't want the walleye gone anymore than anyone else does.. 

but my stance is its not all about netting... the lake has gone through cycles.. nature of it is to do so..but has anyone ever thought about the amount of ice houses on the lake.. the affect of ppl fishing with cams... the affect of polutants on the lake from ice houses, and other things.. i don't believe its all about netting..




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Oh and Jon- I never make the mistake of underestimating my opponents..lmao ... I am a single mom who has managed to raise 3 kids..who all got straight A's , all have jobs, One is a Marine.. and are all great young people.. I had to fight to do it sometime.. but I did it.. beat the system that said my kids would never ammount to anything because of who they were or where they come from..   and I have an IQ of 140... smarter than your average bear soooo noooo I don't make the mistake of underestimation... actually been rather fun trying to get someone to actually listen.. I know most don't.. most don't bother to look at the links I posted that would give some insight into the Native side of it... but anyways........



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Dear Lady,

Feel free to PM me any time, I'd like to continue some of the things you've discussed with you. It's just kinda off topic of what we were talking about in the thread.

Netters are really working for their fish from what I've heard from the south and the west. They're breaking ice to retrieve nets.

Ice still covers 90% of the lake. They're going to be hard pressed to handle nets in these conditions. I've had reports of 8' duck boats trying to break ice into smaller chunks........... Better them than me.

Just hope I don't end up with a net in my prop!




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mn native lady, according to patrick schmalz from the dnr, the tribal allocation of 142,000 pounds will be harvested from MOSTLY the spawning stock in mille lacs. this information was included in his response to me regarding a question i asked about why the natives are allowed to net in spawning areas while state anglers aren't.



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here is a video that explains why the treaty is honored....this is for those of you that are asking why the Ojibwe's have the right to harvest and net fish........



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the question I still have is, if the natives that are netting are claiming to be stuards of the land and care about this resource, then why not protect it for future generations and save the tradition by milking these walleyes and putting the eggs back into the lake?

that would add 5 jobs per landing site no to mention the incredible impact it would have on the fish population.  they (MN DNR / GLIFW)could build and sustain one hell of a hatchery and employee even more people.

The fact seems to be obvious they don't really care.... get the fish pounds allotted and run.

Wish they would look into this more. seems to be a place we could all agree on as a fix to several issues that are sore spots.  

Mr Fellegy, or anyone else that might have knowledge about this............

is this even possible?




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I do know that the Natives do milk during spawn and restock on some lakes... at any rate if every one of you all (and who ever else you can get) would write letters and ask calm intelligent questions to the DNR's from both the state of Minnesota and the tribal DNR you may actually get answers or even some action on this... if you devoted as much time to doing that as you do setting around and complaining you may actually see some results..  there are a few on here that have comunicated to me thru private messages that have actually been writing and calling the DNR's and the GLIFWC and getting good responses back...........

-- Edited by mn native lady on Sunday 24th of April 2011 09:39:55 PM

-- Edited by mn native lady on Sunday 24th of April 2011 10:02:32 PM

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