If the state of Minnesota does not solve their budgets issues July 1st Will the conservation officers be out enforcing the rules and regulations of the state?
I can guaranty that homeland security is going to make sure the MNDNR is taking care of business. They might close down the zoo, but they"ll be there to write you a ticket.....
But I can tell you- I have not been checked on the Lake for YEARS. I can not even remember the last time. I do not mind getting checked. Let the anglers know someone is out there spot checking. I very rarely go to the public accesses where I know they have lots of people camped out checking. But as for being on the lake- from what I have noticed, it is next to nonexistent.
Conservation Officers are classified as essential services employees! Outside of their duties to enforce fish and game laws, they are also first responders. But like someone said, "haven’t seen them in years!”
Quite honestly, I think we are "checked" more than we know.... I believe on Mille Lacs, there is alot of "observing" for violations.. I don't believe it is high on the list, for checking for license. On nice days, they may do a boatside and check lic, preservers, extinguishers..etc etc.... but typically, they won't do that on the water, but rather at the access.
At Agate Bay reef we were all inspected last Friday -- 06/24 in the afternoon -- by the Aitkin County Sheriff patrol boat. (Brown / Olive drab colored 18ft boat).
They checked for adequate PFD's primarily. One boat got a citation and was they tied off to that one boat only. I think they wre alos lookign for DUI / BUI candidates.
They visiually inspected my very adequate supply of PFD's and throwable cushion PFD. No worries. I was squeeky clean. I had on the Power Loon radio so they liked that...HA!
If you want to get checked on the water, just get a WS in front of your boat numbers..The Last guys who stopped me where in a big duel windsheild Warrior...Kept looking at the boat floor, for beer cans I think..
We got checked by that brown/olive boat last year during a tournament. They pulled up near us quick and asked if we were fishing the tournament. We were already wearing our life jackets so he asked to hear the horn and then he took off. We never stopped our trolling run. As far as watching, they almost always stop at the edge of a group of boats and look around with the binoculars before pulling up to anyone. Don't break laws, and its all good.
We will be seeing the Sheriff many times this weekend out on Green Lake in Spicer, but I'll be on my cousins' pontoon with a sober driver at the helm and a cold
in hand.
Humana Insurance Representative-Brainerd and Mille Lacs Area
I don't mind the CO's for the most part, the other goofballs at the landings looking for zebra's drive me nuts though. When the state gets serious about stopping the crap at the source (Ballast water, Asian Carp currently swimming up our waters) than I will believe they are actually trying to make a differance. Currently they are just using us the sportsman as there ATM nothing new right..... The state sues Illinois to stop them from letting carp through the canals into the great lakes. Yet it is doing jack squat from stopping them in our own waters.... More of your hard earned tax money put to good use.
The reason the other guys drive me nuts is they don't understand how people should launch boats. I launched at liberty last weekend. We get the boat ready to go in the parking lot how you are supposed to so you don't slow down the ramp. We pull up to launch and I am already in the boat plug in etc and freind backing us up and the dude freaks out that the plug is in already... Hello wake up thats how it's done
They did not bother me at all but of course I was concentrating on fishing (not drinking until later) and my NEW fire extinguisher, excellent PFD's and the boat were all ship shape.
It was quite hot in the sun that day...and much later after they left the area, I had a cold one.
It is sad to see Minnesota -- which I had considered a good state -- in such a mess. No one wants to roll up their sleeves and get to work on a solution.
In my opinion, we need Jesse to come in and kick some ass. Bobber could do fine but who would wish this mess on our friend Bobber?
The politicians just argue and point fingers at the other side of the nut house (legislature).
At least my boat and myself are licensed for now? What else are they gonna get us for with no funds? Bobber may know the answer to that one?!
If the state of Minnesota does not solve their budgets issues July 1st Will the conservation officers be out enforcing the rules and regulations of the state?
I'm glad they're not giving out tickets. (YET) I get alot of first time fishermen and out of staters, so it's good to know if the choose to fish they won't pick up a criminal charge, just because they can't get a license.