Something inherited... doesn't everybody think you should be able to pay for something, before you get it ?? Especially since your credit cards were maxed out by the guy before ??? The Legislatures job is to come up with a budget, with the Governor.. neither is playing nice, but then again, that's the 2 party system... so the big question is...are we saving money right now, not having the state run stuff going ?? I hope so...
funny how the left can call what was proposed by the legislature in 3 separate budgets, a cut! All three of them would be the largest budgets in minnesota history. The last time i checked when you get an increase it isn't called a cut just because you didn't get everything you asked for.
This is the biggest problem I can see with the two party system here in America. Their party always comes first. Minnesotans come a distant fourth.
Ventura threw a monkey wrench into their perfect world of raping the working man of all his hard earned cash by telling it like he saw it. We need another guy that isn't afraid to face facts and isn't tied to the sh!t-fer-brains "two party system".
Do you think we would have a government shut down if the tribal run casinos had to shut down because of the state government shut down?I really feel sorry for Running Aces and Canterbury Park.
I am not in the wealthiest 2%.. of which I am sure the governor is... and he is calling for the hike !!! I am all for it too !!! I voted for Jesse and you know what.. he did exactly what he promised me he would do !!! There was a budget surplus and guess what ?? He gave it back !!! Where is our surplus today ??? I am an Independent and proud of it... someday, the 3rd party will rise up and inject some common sense and decency into politics....
Glen, I'm not in the top 2% either (wish I was). Its easy for me to say just go ahead and tax "them", but it still comes down to the simple principal of does government really need more money?
The last few years I haven't been given a raise, but my cost of living has increased-gas, food, bait. Somehow I have survived, so shouldn't I be able to expect the government to do the same?
As for governor Dayton, I thought all of money was in another state so he probably wouldn't be in that top 2%.
Humana Insurance Representative-Brainerd and Mille Lacs Area
A week into this "government shudown". No end in sight with all the A$$HOLE$ acting like 5 year olds WITH OUR MONEY!
Who thought that was a good idea? The state is losing millions a day on lottery sales, state parks, etc.
Screw 'em. I hope they don't get their act together. Who needs 'em anyway? Now the Federal government is starting to get into the Kindergarten fight. Fire each and every one of 'em, I say.
Glen, I'm not in the top 2% either (wish I was). Its easy for me to say just go ahead and tax "them", but it still comes down to the simple principal of does government really need more money?
The last few years I haven't been given a raise, but my cost of living has increased-gas, food, bait. Somehow I have survived, so shouldn't I be able to expect the government to do the same?
As for governor Dayton, I thought all of money was in another state so he probably wouldn't be in that top 2%.
I hear ya fife... problem is, most in the 2% make their money off you and me, good for them. But shouldn't they pay their fair share or maybe even a little more ??? Is that anti-american ??? I heard something hilarious last night on the news. As far as federal gov't, they said the speaker of the house, would "consider" closing some tax loopholes...??? I don't know about anyone else, but a loophole to me means, a way around something, without breaking the law, but knowingly, not using/enforcing as it was originally intended. Close them up !!!! What's to think about ??? !!!