Are there still plans to raise the slot limit? Duh ... that has to have State approval and they are "out to lunch". Really hurts the public and business owners. If the DNR can't enforce the fishing license law how can they enforce the slot limit?
Are there still plans to raise the slot limit? Duh ... that has to have State approval and they are "out to lunch". Really hurts the public and business owners. If the DNR can't enforce the fishing license law how can they enforce the slot limit?
Government shut down ?? HOLD my tax payments.
Well said! moving the slot to 20 inches would have been big for everyone.....from guide customers, resorts, fisherman in general! everyone....
get going and do your jobs! anyone up for reelection this coming fall!
They suck! The Minnesota legislature is now a national disgrace.
They are going to continue to loose millions of dollars in business to other states as long as this State shutdown continues. It will not be easy to regain that business once it is lost. Dumb move number 1.
As we have heard -- soon the Beer removal will occur for many Miller and Coors products. Dumb move number 2.
A state without beer totally sucks!
There is no cure for STUPID.
Dumb and Dumber run ther State of Minnesota government.
I don't know that he caved in, exactly. I heard some Republicans caught him hanging around in the airport bathroom and grabbin' their ankles and stuff. Said something about a wide stance on the budget.
I don't think Amy Koch has seen her ankles in some time. "Wide" stance is more like it. I'm sure the "give and take" to settle the budget will not benefit us at all. How does one claim his/her loss to the State? No one wins when the State shuts down. Instead of giving hand outs they should pay for their damages.
Why is Dayton "caving in" too bad for the state? Were you in favor of spending more than we had? I don't know about anyone else, but if I have $100 in my checking account, I don't try to spend $250.
Why is Dayton "caving in" too bad for the state? Were you in favor of spending more than we had? I don't know about anyone else, but if I have $100 in my checking account, I don't try to spend $250.
Its unfortunate because the budget is only a solution for this year and will just make next year's budget that much worse. I wish they would have got together and "compromised" on a better long term solution, but atleast the shutdown is over.
Humana Insurance Representative-Brainerd and Mille Lacs Area
This whole thing ticks me off bad- What a good plan they decided on- Lets kick the can down the road for a couple more years and then lets deal with it. Both sides blow in my mind. I emailed them all this morning once again! I actually even got some responses already. My main gripe in the email- RACINO!!! Why not? They settle for borrowing the money for now- WHY not bring on the Racino??? What a perfect time for it. This would be money here to stay- not one time money. People will gamble- give them a choice on where to go! OR have the fine tribal industry give back to the state!
Ya- I'm not happy about or finest down in St. Paul right now
Now the DNR (Stands for Definately Needs Restructuring) says that since the state was shut down at the time the slot was supposed to change from 18" to 20" they can't change it at all!
Posted at 3:20 PM on July 14, 2011 by Paul Tosto (0 Comments)
Whether or not Republicans and Gov. Mark Dayton reach accord today on a budget, the two-week state government shutdown means that Mille Lacs walleye limits will stay unchanged.
Here's the DNR release:
The Department of Natural Resources will not change the Lake Mille Lacs walleye slot limit this summer.
The current rule, requiring anglers to immediately release walleye from 18 inches through 28 inches, remains in effect. The possession limit is four, with one walleye larger than 28 inches allowed.
DNR biologists typically review angler harvest using creel surveys in May and June to determine whether the walleye length limit can be liberalized in mid-July.
Due to the state government shutdown that began July 1, DNR staff were unable to analyze creel data and estimate total winter and open-water harvest through June 30, as required by rule for the regulation to change.
DNR officials said there is also no way to post regulation changes on the DNR's website five days prior to the change becoming effective, as the rule requires.
All other fishing regulations remain in effect for Lake Mille Lacs.
Does anyone know the volume of fish taken during the netting season this spring? I'm sure the DNR doesn't know. Now they don't have creel data and other harvest numbers. It sounds to me that the DNR has lost total control of Lake Mille Lacs. There are alot of large walleyes that will be hunting for a shortage of food. Good management DNR.
Here's a quote from the D(umb).N(o sense).R(etards).:
DNR biologists typically review angler harvest using creel surveys in May and June to determine whether the walleye length limit can be liberalized in mid-July.
Well, folks, I am here to tell you that the only thing that has been determined here by these so called "biologists" is that D is a passing grade!
The creel checkers (who we all know ain't got a clue) gave them their numbers in May and June (which was before the idiots went on vacation) So one and one make two, etc. What's so hard to figure?
From Malmo Mike and Per the DNR Posting Jul 22, 2011:
Mille Lacs Lake Walleye Slot Limit Change
Date Posted: July 22, 2011
As required by the Expedited Emergency rule published in the State Register on April 25, 2011 (Volume 35, pages 1650-1652; Part 6264.0400, Subp. 4a, Item B), the walleye size limit on Mille Lacs Lake and associated tributaries will change as specified below because the walleye kill estimates were below the established quota of 238,500 pounds prior to July l.
As of 12:01 am July 27, the walleye regulations for Mille Lacs Lake and associated tributaries will be as follows:
While a person is on or fishing in Mille Lacs Lake and its associated tributaries to the posted boundaries, all walleye in possession must be greater than 28 inches in length or less than 20 inches in length. All walleye that are 20 to 28 inches in length must be immediately returned to the water. A person may take and possess not more than one walleye over 28 inches. The bag limit for walleye is four fish.
This regulation continues until midnight November 30, 2011. All fishing regulations for species other than walleye and all other fishing restrictions remain unchanged on Mille Lacs.
I will be there at Mille lacs in just 11 days or so -- I am counting on the better slot size to help us get some nice keepers. Good luck until I get there my friend!
I just hope the Resort Owners and guides can re-coup this year. Maybe they should raise the limit during ice fishing? I think we should at least ask for that due to the days we missed out on keeping the 18-1/4" fish. They usually raise the limit around the 15th (like last year) but it's still a reason to let them know we are not happy with the management of their department. The State and the DNR know what kind of revenues are at stake.