Well, the Hunters Point Launch has out done themselves again. We rented 1 of the Launches on Sunday form 1-5pm. It was pretty rough, but who knew it on the launch !! There was a bunch of us (I don't know an exact count) but Nate took us out to his hotspot and I had my first walleye in about 10 minutes. We continued to rell in walleyes for the next 4 hours. I personally caught 10, 3 for the box !!! If more people had actually fished, who knows how many we could have had Thanks also to George and Linda, for treating everyone to a Hunters Point Hat !!! This will be a tradition every year I am sure, as it makes 2 years in a row now & the group keeps getting bigger !!!
Way to Go Glen and Doug and the Ertl hell raisers.
Where is Sasquatch? Maybe he is at Malmo Market getting more 'Lucky Charms'
to sanck on?
The Malmo Mike clan (pnly 7 of us but skilled) sailed with Captain Nate back on August 7th to the Hot Spot near 2-mile.
The bite was a little tougher due to hot August weather but we came back to Malmo with
8 walleyes and 3 jumbos....We have also made the launch trip a family tradition.
Our pictures are in the dark as it was the evning launch at 6PM for undercover reasons.
It was an 'under cover walleye operation' -- but we had all the good looking girls on the front of launch at least where I could help them out with beverages. HA!
Hope to see you soon for a launch fishing duel! Malmo Mike strikes again.
Doug, that is a fabulous launch fishing video. It rocks totally . Soon you are Hollywood dude! Tat2jonnie was having FUN!
Here are Malmo Mike's photos of our 'undercover walleye misison':
We leave at sunset on the stealth launch with Captain Nate; In the photos -- there is no sasquatch but 'starring in stealth fishing' are the Malmo undercover team:
Malmo Mike, lovely Morgan, brothers Don and Tom (all the Malmo brothers), lovely Jackie, Christopher and Patrick, stud Malmo dudes: HA, HA!
I n that rare shot/picture of the sasquatch, it looks like he is doing something to Mundo standing next to him, by the expression on his face ??? Maybe a sasquatch goose ???