Attorney Erick Kaardal encourages everyone who can, to attend!
The Court of Appeals hearing date has been set!
The good news today from Attorney Erick Kaardal is that oral arguments before the Court of Appeals is set for November 20th. That means a Court of Appeals decision would be made around February 20.
Attorney Erick Kaardal encourages everyone who can, to attend this hearing.
The Court of Appeals hearing will be at held:
November 20 at 9:30 AM
Courtroom 100 in the Minnesota Judicial Center
25 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd in St. Paul.
While the pursuit of justice is impartial, a big show of support goes a long way in letting everyone looking in on this judicial process (including the media) know a grassroots movement exists. It lets them know we are committed to preserving our fishing heritage, the Mille Lacs fishery, and it's economy.
Although the lawsuit evolved out of the DNR's failure at Mille Lacs, it seeks a broad ruling that would be applied to every lake and hunting area in the state. This lawsuit would be a step toward hunting and fishing rules being the same for everyone.
PERM, Save Mille Lacs Sport Fishing, Twin Pines Resort, Bill Eno, Fred Dally and attorney Erick Kaardal, teamed up in filing this lawsuit to go after the DNR
The lawsuit is based on a 1998 state constitutional amendment that preserves our hunting and fishing heritage. It challenges DNR's rule making process because it:
* Failed entirely to consider the hunting and fishing heritage protection that is in the Minnesota Constitution. As a result, spawning walleye, part of our Minnesota fishing heritage were not protected in Mille Lacs.
* Ignored the public-trust doctrine, in which the government owns and must protect and maintain natural resources, such as the Mille Lacs walleye, for the public's use. The public trust doctrine is a key tenant of environmental protection advocates nationwide.