Stay warm. It is supposed to be much better this week!
Weather Update:
It was a very cold and difficult cold spell this past weekend at Mille Lacs Lake for so early in October.
I was able to get my boat winterized and final grass mowing competed on the one better day ~~Friday, October 12th. The other days were very cold with 35 mph winds and up.
The leaves are beautiful in full color and about 50 per cent of the leaves were down in my Malmo property due to 35 mph winds nearly every day. I picked Honey Crisp apples on Saturday but it was extreme conditions and finally had to stop when the winds became to fierce to use the ladder. The apples taste great and I survived with 3 layers of clothing on the step ladder. WOW.
I saw a very small number of boats put in... 2-3 boats total -- out in Malmo Bay and on the north end. It was quiet at Red Door. A very nice weekend Oktober Fest at the Pine Inn...thanks to Glen and Dawn and servers there and Gomer of course at the Pine Inn Bar.
My brothers got our big dock out on Friday October 19th and it was 57 degrees; I picked 7 bushels of Honey crisp apples too off our big tree. That is a lot of freaking apples. they are terrific by the way.
Hay bales down on septic system for freeze protection DONE.
My young brother Tom retired this year (October) too and we each got our boats winterized and stored. Now they just need to let us keep 2 walleyes per man.
I head down to Maui on February 3rd-10th 2019. Someone has to play golf and hang out at the pool in Maui so it is Malmo Maui Mike (3M) of course.