Hello East Side and Mille Lacs Lake Friends:
Today, 04-26-2020 we are very close to meeting the official Messenger Ice Out criteria:
1. Isle Bay is completely OPEN and open water on the lake horizon to the north;
2. Garrison Bay is OPEN and nearly clear with just a small area of floating ice (50 feet in width) near Twin Pines normal access point/dock.
3. Eddie Lybacks area is OPEN water out to the Spider Island and beyond;
4. Agate Bay Marina has open channel but some floating small ice still trapped near shoreline;
I think one could make a clear passage from Isle to Garrison SHore and avoid the small floating ice near Twin Pine Dock site.
The Messenger will make this call on Monday I expect.
We have our brand new dock ready to roll in at our Malmo Bay homes.
Always exciting to have open water...on the lake and our boats are ready!
Have fun,
Malmo Mike
Mille Lacs Lake ICE OUT declared yesterday 04-26-2020.
Thanks to Jon Knudsen for that update.
Clear open Water.